HOLD THE DATES: 2015 Annual Fly-In Aug 29-30/Sep 12-13
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:41 am
It's time to start thinking about flying, camping and general socializing!
Based on previous years experiences, local expertise, and the calendar, we're going to shoot for Aug 29-30 this year (weekend before Labor Day) with Sep 12-13 (weekend after Labor Day) as the backup weekend if the first one doesn't work out. We'll plan on camping out both Friday night and Saturday night, with both Saturday and Sunday being flying days. We'll use the concept from last year, whereby we called the base camp the week prior based on the weather/forecast, and we'll hope to Pulpit given the convenience, etc. And we'll make the final weekend weather call on Thursday night prior to the weekend. SO for now, please plan on joining us for some camping and flying that first weekend.
Based on previous years experiences, local expertise, and the calendar, we're going to shoot for Aug 29-30 this year (weekend before Labor Day) with Sep 12-13 (weekend after Labor Day) as the backup weekend if the first one doesn't work out. We'll plan on camping out both Friday night and Saturday night, with both Saturday and Sunday being flying days. We'll use the concept from last year, whereby we called the base camp the week prior based on the weather/forecast, and we'll hope to Pulpit given the convenience, etc. And we'll make the final weekend weather call on Thursday night prior to the weekend. SO for now, please plan on joining us for some camping and flying that first weekend.