I flew with an angel

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Lauren Tjaden
Posts: 371
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:27 pm

I flew with an angel

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Woohoo! Oh, screw the decent writing, screw the build up, I flew my beautiful new Litespeed tonight! Twice!
When I crashed the U2 I had just ordered my Litespeed -- like 2 days beforehand. It was impossible to not think that I had made a huge error when I had such trouble on a glider -- the U2 -- that I had anticipated being so easy. I hurt the U2 pretty badly, though, and am still sore myself, some 2 months later. I was too embarrassed to cancel the order for the Litespeed, but I had trouble sleeping when I thought about what that meant. I knew I would have to learn to fly the Litespeed.
I also knew if I wanted to compete well, I needed a higher performance glider. There was no reason I couldn't learn to fly her. I practiced saying instead, that there was every reason I SHOULD be competent to fly her. But I still haven't slept for weeks.
When I returned from Texas, I knew I needed my Litespeed more than ever. But I was still afraid. I was told she might slip when I turned, she would spin if I pushed out at all at full VG, and further, that she would break my arms when I landed (these statements are all absolute quotes). I was also told that she might balloon up when I oscillated in on final and kill me as she stalled above the field.
Well. My Litespeed was lost in shipping. Paul was angry; I was relieved. When she arrived a few days ago, though, I knew it was soon going to be time. I have been practicing smooth, gently banked approaches (my wreck on the U2 was actually a hugely beneficial thing; I have practiced approaches every day I have not been competing, with actual good pilots watching and critiquing). And my wheels finally arrived today. Everyone said I should have a little pair. Even they were complicated to install. I had to move my Litespeed's VG and drill a new hole to allow for the wheel. The VG then became stuck under the hole for the wheel so Paul filed it until the rope worked well.
Anyhow! She was great. I always said she was made for me; I knew I wished it was true when I saw her, all slick Mylar and red and black. Glue would slide off of her. But then it was true.
I hung off too far to the left on my tows (nerves made my old bad habit come back) but I could not make her oscillate. Yes, I had a fin. I had 2 great approaches, very long, very gentle, and two good landings in almost no wind. She is at least as easy to land as my Sport. She talked to me the whole time and told me exactly when to flare. I didn't even think I flared that well but she is so good. BTW, she is not "Angle". She is "Angel". And she is light, so easy to carry and turn. I love her. So sorry to spew out so much of my happiness. Though I will need to get used to that glide.
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