High Rock Party

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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High Rock Party

Post by brianvh »

Well, this was a huge event, and thanks to the help of many people who
jumped in and even gave up sleep to help out, it came out a success. I'll
give a full accounting to the newsletter and won't attempt to thank
everyone here. But it was definitely everything a flying party should be.
I still can't believe how wonderful the weather was.

Financially the club's situation all boils down to Tshirts. I definitely
over-ordered and under-priced. From my estimate we need to sell
about 40 more Tshirts to break even. Given our extended area from Manquin
up to Hyner I think this number is within reach over the next few months.
These are beautiful shirts and I know there's plenty of people who
couldn't come who would love to have one.

The Carbaughs got a huge influx of money from the tandems plus the Club's
donation (I based this on the number of pilots who flew that weekend),
individual pilot flying donations, and plenty of left over food, so they
rightfully made out like bandits.

Brian Vant-Hull
Posts: 882
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:24 pm
Location: Arlington

High Rock Party

Post by dbodner »

On Aug 22, 2005, at 11:05 AM, Vant-Hull - Brian wrote:

The Carbaughs got a huge influx of money from the tandems plus the Club's
donation (I based this on the number of pilots who flew that weekend),
individual pilot flying donations, and plenty of left over food, so they
rightfully made out like bandits.
I hope everyone remembered that their Sunday flying donations weren't covered by the fly-in fees.

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