Oregon Ridge 8/6 & Taylors 8/7 Teaching

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Oregon Ridge 8/6 & Taylors 8/7 Teaching

Post by silverwings »

Besides teaching at Oregon Ridge on 7/30 (fair class in normal crossing E/SE conditions) we joined Sparky on Saturday. The conditions appeared better in the morning till 2:00 when he left. By the time we got setup, took the fence down, finished warm up runs with the gliders the wind got more of a N cross with occasional cycles up the slot. My student David got a number of flights on his Eagle when the cycles co-operated and my other students (2 first timers, 1 second timer) got low/minimal flights from the base of the left slot on the shallow slope. Daniel Broxterman who had 4 good PG flights earlier was helping out and did a few minimal flights from the same area. Students still seemed to have a productive day. At the end of class both Daniel and I did flights from the main hill which went pretty nice.

Sunday we went to Taylors with one of the forecasts looked OK and other not so good. It turned out to be a very good day there though a bit on the warm/humid side. Winds were mostly S - SW 1 - 7 MPH up the hill, mostly sunny. My student Bob Peterman did exceptionally good and passed his hang 2 skills and my other student Matt Cherry got to work on turns and did good also. I did 7 flights on a HG and 2 minimal PG flights at the end of day. Also, the entire area around where we park and fly has been mowed so I didn't have to do any mowing! Another pilot was there when we arrived and he did 3 - 4 flights.
john middleton (202)409-2574 c
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