Chute Repack Postponed, New Date = Weekend of 9/10 - 9/11

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Chute Repack Postponed, New Date = Weekend of 9/10 - 9/11

Post by hang_pilot »

At the meeting last week (THANKS to everyone who attended), we decided to move back the Manquinn ‘chute repack from 8/13 - 8/14 to 9/10 - 9/11, one week prior to Pulpit Fly-in.? The reasons for delaying were: 1) to give participants more notice, 2) Cragin was free that weekend to help w. logistics (THANKS, CS), and 3) to avoid beach traffic season on I-95.
Please save the date for this important task.? If you cannot make it, please let this message serve as a reminder to have your reserve re-packed professionally. ??While you’re at it, checking the batteries in your smoke alarm and flossing your teeth every once and a while are pretty good ideas, too. ?
..because we care,

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