SAC 9/29

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SAC 9/29

Post by XCanytime »

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Re: SAC 9/29

Post by Bari »

That looks like a nice bailout field. Noticed a baseball field next to it as well.
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Re: SAC 9/29

Post by XCanytime »

Went to the SAC yesterday, along w/ Allan Bawell and Joe Gorrie, in the hopes of trying again for the Carlisle Airport. On the way up, the sky looked magnificent, and the cloud streets were from the NE, a perfect direction leading directly towards Carlisle from the Pillow area. Allan and I linked up on I-81, and we arrived around 1:50P. Conditions were strong on launch as I quickly set up. By the time I was ready to launch, it had lightened up considerably, and gotten very squirrelly in the slot. Had to wait a long time (for me) for a launchable cycle. The left wing got lifted a little getting airborne, but I levelled it quickly and flew fast out of the slot.

Turned right into the NNE cross, and dolphin flew to get up above the ridge. Once above, lift was disorganized and spotty. West of launch I found some cohesive lift that enabled me to get to 1200' over, so I headed towards the Klingerstown Gap, descending all the way. By the time I got to the Gap, I was just barely above the ridge. So I headed back towards launch. Found some lift, and should have stayed put. But I headed back to the Gap, and sunk below the ridge.

Prior to this, I had scouted the fields, and they were ALL IN CORN. I had spied the field I had landed out at some 20 years ago. So I committed to the small field. Did a nice DBF approach, and waited too long to flare into very little headwind. Flared hard, but tripped again like 2 days ago, and belly flopped. An older lady came out and greeted me in her back yard as I carried over to behind a barn type structure to break the glider down. I asked if I could break the glider down in her yard. Marcel granted me access.

As I broke the glider down, the lady that I overflew while she was cutting her grass on a riding lawnmower came over to check on me. Wanda also asked how I was getting back to where I came from. Initially I said jokingly "I'm planning on walking", but asked her if she could give me a ride. She said she was retired, and heck yes! Going back to breaking the glider down, I noticed that the non VG downtube had a slight bend in the upper 1/3 of its lenth. Drat! Time to get a replacement DT from Steve Wendt at Blue Sky. And time to try to stop tripping while landing and belly flopping.

Contacted Allan after another successful XC retrieval. He flew for 2.5 hours, and made it halfway between Klingerstown and Pillow before turning around to land back at the main LZ. Bacil
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Re: SAC 9/29

Post by 1otIII2007 »

I got to the Sac about 2:00 and it was blowing in nice. Launched 3:11 after waiting a while on the mount. My glider's nose was a bit too high when I launched and I dipped low in the slot but had plenty of speed to get out.
Turned right and went up over 1000' in a short time. So I headed to the Klingerstown gap and was high enough to cross it. After that the lift was not nearly as good so I turned around about half way to the Pillow gap.
I got below launch at the klingerstown gap on the way back and had to hang around and find some lift to cross it. After a while I got 700' over launch again and crossed the gap without any trouble. When I got back to launch
the lift started getting better and I went up the ridge to Route 125 and then back to launch and soon after I landed. I had a 2 hour and 21 minute flight, highest point was 3570' MSL. I had a nice landing in light north winds.
Here is the ayvri track for some reason it does not show my landing. ... 6aplxalmcs

Allan B.
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