HG in Colombia

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HG in Colombia

Post by wmelo »

Hi Guys,

I am in touch with Luis Jacobsen - a HG Pilot from Colombia who is organizing a HG tour in Brazil.
I asked him if he can also organize something for our HG pilots in Colombia.

this is the info I got. Maybe we can have a group of pilots interested in flying in Colombia.

a) Avianca has direct flights from Dulles (IAD) to Colombia (Bogota) and Avianca, according to their website, are HG friendly, and can transport Hang Gliders

b) Luis could organize services including glider transportation in Colombia, communications, rescue drivers, accomodations and (if required) food at "reasonable prices"

I am wondering if we have a group of interested HG pilots who would like to do a tour together: we need to bring our gliders with us since they do not rent gliders in Colombia.

anyone interested?

best seasons: from December to March, July-August
Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
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