2022 CHGPA Site Update

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2022 CHGPA Site Update

Post by eggzkitz »

CHGPA Members-

We have completed our annual renewal of our USHPA/RRG insurance for our various sites. The following is a summary of the status of our club sites, along with the levels of insurance we’re maintaining for the 2022 flying season.

We have four levels of site status/coverage, as follows:

1. Additional Landowner Insurance sites. This is the highest level of coverage, which requires that in addition to maintaining updated risk assessments and site guides, that we pay a premium for additional coverage for the landowners that permit us to use their property as an LZ. These are our most active sites where we wish to provide additional coverage to the landowners nice enough to support us with landing zones. There are currently six sites in this category:
  • Bill's Hill
    Dickies Ridge
    Edith's Gap
    Daniels Mountain
2. Chapter level insurance sites. This level of coverage requires that we maintain USHPA-approved and regularly updated risk assessments and site guides, but we do not have to pay additional premiums beyond being a USHPA-chapter, and the landowners do not have the additional coverage.
High Rock. We will have an updated site guide available shortly.
  • Taylor Hill (TH)
    Smithburg (TH)
    Long Hill (TH)
    Kirschner’s Knob (TH)
3. Excluded sites. This category is for sites that are technically “open” but are not actively maintained and for which we do not maintain site guides or risk assessments. These are “Bandido” sites where your coverage is limited to the base insurance you have from being a member of USHPA.
  • Hogback. We do intend to re-open Hogback this year, at which point we will complete the revised site guide and obtain chapter level insurance. Until then, Hogback is temporarily closed and should not be flown.
    Raven’s Roost.
4. Closed sites. These are historical sites that, for one reason or another, have been closed, usually due to lack of landing zone access or other access issues. We do not have any plans to re-open these sites and recommend that CHGPA members not fly these sites.
  • Miller’s Head.
    Oregon Ridge (TH).
    Fisher Road.
    Flattop Mountain.
    Spruce Knob.
We will work to keep the club website updated with this information with links to the site guides (where relevant).

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Jeff Eggers
CHGPA President
USHPA 82627
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