PG Accident Report 4/17/21

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PG Accident Report 4/17/21

Post by silverwings »

I guess I should post about my PG launch mishap at WS. Launch conditions appeared fairly good for PG that day though I heard that a number of pilots had some issues in trying to launch earlier and later after my attempt. It was probably around 2pm and the first time I pulled up by wing it turned to the right/north so I killed it. Walt help me move back into position though I think we inadvertently moved a little higher in the slot. On my second attempt, I pulled it up, turned and immediately the glider shot aggressively to the right pulling me off the ground and I went uncontrolled into the brush and trees to the right. By some miracle my body missed stumps and rocks and my glider got stuck in one tree with me on the ground. With the help of a number of pilots and with Alan cutting the small tree down we were able to get my glider out unharmed though with a bad tangle of lines. Thanks everyone for their help. I was very fortunate because I really could have been hurt if I had plowed into a rock or stump. I had no scratch, bruise, or anything from my 1 second long mishap. One thing that I realized from this incident, is that I need to practice ground handling on a regular basis which I have not been doing!
john middleton (202)409-2574 c
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