Impeach Bush now!!

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Flying Lobster
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Impeach Bush now!!

Post by Flying Lobster »

OK--so now the administration claims "No involvement" in the release of confidential information in the blowing of Wilson's wife CIA operative status.

This is a fine splitting of the hairs. In fact, what is the difference between this claim and when Clinton stated to the American people "I did not have sex with this woman..." when he lied about Monica?

The main diffrence is that the administration compromised national security and continues to hide from responsibility--whereas the taxpayers ended up spending millions to try to impeach a president over which way his zipper fell.

I marvel at how the public continues to have its head stuck in the sand--but maybe its really high-density cement.
Great Googly-moo!
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Post by hepcat1989 »

I feel the same brother. I feel the same! Shawn.
Marco Zee
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Post by Marco Zee »

Right on Mark and Shawn !!!!
I hope every Democrat running for office in 2006 runs on your "IMPEACH BUSH" platform.
Keep spreading the word guys !!!
Joe Schad
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Impeach Bush

Post by Joe Schad »

I rather think the Impeach Bush will be a very good position in 2006. The cover up of the outing of CIA operative will be the match that starts to burn this house down. Of course the case will likely take a couple of years to get to court so we might just have to settle for putting George in Jail once he completes his second term. Then again he could pardon himself before he leaves office. His dad pardoned everyone who could have put him in jail for his involvement in the Iran Conta affair and got away with it. So George will likely walk, just like his dad.

Marco Zee
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NOW means NOW

Post by Marco Zee »

Marc is right !!!!!
Don't wait until 2006,....IMPEACH BUSH NOW !!!!!!
You've got all the evidence you need, or ever will have.

Call your Senators and Congressman and DEMAND that they impeach Bush NOW. See what they tell you LOL. Please post their responses here, I'd love to hear their responses to your impeachment demands.

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Post by deveil »

just came back from a hair cut in downtown d.c. (barely escaped with my life:shock: )
now, i know this is a bastion of liberals, flakes, and queers (sorry, 'didn't mean to be redundant :roll: ) (sort of a new york/calif. microcosm).
well...some of them were all atitter (waving scarves & prancing about and such :roll: ) over an idea that, having been out of office for two terms (better sit down here,marcoroni), ..... ole billy boy could actually run for president again. that isn't really true is it?
Marco Zee
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Bill in 08 vs W in 08.

Post by Marco Zee »

Oh how I wish it were possible !!!

Of course it is not cuz of that pesky 17(?)th Amendment thing.

Now if we could "suspend" or revoke the 17th Amendment, then we could have the mother of all matchups....Bill Clinton vs George W. two-termer vs another two-termer !!!

My side would love to beat Clinton just once, as I'm sure the other side would love to beat Bush just once !!!

Just think of all the arguing we could do with that matchup !!! It would be a political orgy/smorgasborg !!!!

Marco Zee
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Plamegate Flameout

Post by Marco Zee »

"OK--so now the administration claims "No involvement" in the release of confidential information in the blowing of Wilson's wife CIA operative status."

It only took the Post 3 years, but they finally got it right....the White House had nothing to do with "outing" a covert CIA agent, Val Plame Wilson, even if they bury the story on page A20. ... 01460.html

End of an Affair
It turns out that the person who exposed CIA agent Valerie Plame was not out to punish her husband.
Friday, September 1, 2006; Page A20

WE'RE RELUCTANT to return to the subject of former CIA employee Valerie Plame because of our oft-stated belief that far too much attention and debate in Washington has been devoted to her story and that of her husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, over the past three years. But all those who have opined on this affair ought to take note of the not-so-surprising disclosure that the primary source of the newspaper column in which Ms. Plame's cover as an agent was purportedly blown in 2003 was former deputy secretary of state Richard L. Armitage.

So Bush, Cheney, Libby, Rove, etc...did NOT out a CIA agent or break any laws !!!

Is anyone still interested in impeaching Bush over "outing of a CIA agent"?

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