flying alone

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flying alone

Post by huddlec »

When the owner of the Woodstock landing field was still alive, he had a rule that if you were flying Woodstock alone, you couldn't use his field. He didn't want to have to deal with a pilot going into the trees. My guess is having a lone pilot get into trouble and having the land owners in the area be the ones who have to deal with the situation is a good way to lose a landing field. Not only is it a hassle for them, but they may also think of the worse 'what if's'.

rancerupp <> wrote:

I applaud you in your resistance to not fly alone. In my mind, it ranks right up there with admitting ones own misjudments and striving to do better the next time. Reminders like this help us others to 'remember' what we 'should' be doing. I see so many new pilots (not that you are one) doing things such as making accidental or poorly planned early XC's, then when they go far or don't get hurt they say 'way cool dude'. It's this kind of mentality that will eventually get us in big trouble. Thanks again for the 'reminder'.

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