Local Pilots almost Sweep the Boards at Midwest Comp

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John Dullahan
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Local Pilots almost Sweep the Boards at Midwest Comp

Post by John Dullahan »

Local pilots John Simon and Greg Sessa achieved spectacular successes.

John took first place among the world’s top pilots, beating out the likes of Zac Majors, 5th place, and Jonny Durand, 10th. This was a stunning upset for Jonny, who is currently the world’s number one ranked pilot, and a spectacular achievement for John.

Other local, or formerly local pilots, also flew well. Kevin Carter came in 14th, Larry Bunner, 21th, Pete Lehmann 22nd, Mitch Shipley, 28th and Patrick Halfhill, 46th. Their achievements were very impressive in a field of 56 of the world’s best.

Greg’s consistent performance had him come second in the sport class. Knut Ryerson also placed well in 8th place, with Richard Mila 12th, and Dan Lukaszwicz 15th. Again, these were very respectable results in a sport class field of 21.

Thanks also to Greg, and especially Knut, for keeping us home bodies up to date on the competition’s progress. BIG congrats to John, Greg, and the rest of the locals.
John Dullahan
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Re: Local Pilots almost Sweep the Boards at Midwest Comp

Post by krryerson »

John Simon flew fantastic, so did Greg.
But. to the best of my knowledge, Jonny D flew the Gecko a few days, helping out the Brazilian team, that had a transport damage Moyes RX wing. This made Jonny not that fast.
But, don't take me wrong John S is definitely one of the best Open class pilots today and going to be fun following John in Brazil, World HG.
Correction: Got 6 place in Sport class, and 3 of the Sports pilots smoked me. Should have been able getting 4th or 5th, if I had not screwed up 2nd day.
But, Greg, Kelly and Mark D definitely was in a different league.
John Dullahan
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Re: Local Pilots almost Sweep the Boards at Midwest Comp

Post by John Dullahan »

Hi Knut,

Thanks for the amplification, and sorry for dropping you from 6 to 8th. My bad :-(
John Dullahan
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Re: Local Pilots almost Sweep the Boards at Midwest Comp

Post by krryerson »

John D,
Thanks for the nice write up!
We missed you and you would have had a blast flying in the MidWest. More local pilot's, more fun.
I think you would have been up with the 5 best Sports pilots.
A few of the best pilots in US don't fly that much competition, and John told us about a Californian pilot that is probably the best in the world, when he do compete; but, apparently does not fly much competitions.
Hope to see you soon!
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Re: Local Pilots almost Sweep the Boards at Midwest Comp

Post by wmelo »

What about having our champions running aXC clinic here?
Walt Melo
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Re: Local Pilots almost Sweep the Boards at Midwest Comp

Post by carweill »

Thanks for sharing the stories. Good to see John Simon and Greg and everyone else doing so well. Carlos
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