Pulpit 9/23/2016

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Pulpit 9/23/2016

Post by wmelo »

Interesting day at the Pulpit yesterday.
I arrived before lunch: Only Hugh was there with his “yard sale.” The sky was blue (no clouds), and the winds were blowing below 5 mph.
After 1 hour, winds were still very weak, but a lot of cumulus clouds formed, birds starting soaring the ridge.

Hugh helped a PG2 to take off in light winds with little bit of North cross. Since I wanted to have a drive test in the Falcon 3 195, I was the next one.

I took off from the ramp. Hugh and another HG (HG2 ; Tim? ) helped in the wire. The winds were still very weak. So I waited several minutes to take off in a thermal cycle. My take off was not outstanding since I let the wind unbalanced: I was able to quickly correct. Turned quickly to the right to try to find a thermal and I found it. It brought to 4000feet, but since I was being pushed to behind the ridge, I scarified my altitude to be always in front of the ridge. After 1h of thermal flight, I decided to go to land in the main LZ. I had the best land ever!

When I was breaking down the glider, I saw Hugh under a huge cloud: he had a terrific flight and went x-country.

Several other PG pilots had good flights and landed safely in the secondary LZ. Tim (the HG2 who helped in the wire) also landed in the secondary LZ.

Concluding, it was a great day in the office :D
Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
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