How To: Post in the Visiting Pilots forum

Are you visiting the CHGPA area and hoping to fly one of our sites? Post here and we'll try to help you get into the air!

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How To: Post in the Visiting Pilots forum

Post by chgpa »

Are you a hang-glider or paraglider pilot visiting the mid-Atlantic area with hopes of flying at Woodstock, The Pulpit, High Rock, or other CHGPA sites?

The best way to do so is to get in touch with the local pilots, so we've created this special forum for that very purpose. All you have to do is login at the CHGPA forum with these credentials:

username : VisitingPilot
password : Wants2Fly

Then, create a new topic within this Visiting Pilots forum to let us know when you'll be in town, your rating, what sort of experience you have, etc. With any luck, you'll be able to enjoy some airtime while you're here! 8)

That said, let's be a little bit real: We don't really have anyone whose "job" is to help visiting pilots. Some of our sites require special waivers, experience, or fees. And flying outside the Friday through Sunday timeframe? Well, some of the locals might be interested, but then again, maybe not (that four-letter "work" word, sigh!).

Bottom line: While we hope to be able to help you out, there's no guarantee that's going to be the case on the days that you happen to be visiting.

When you post, please include the type of wing that you fly and when you expect to be in town in the Subject line. For example:

"Visiting PG pilot, looking to fly Sept1-Sept07, woohoo!"

If the weather gods are smiling, and with a bit of luck, maybe you'll enjoy a great flight that you can share with your friends back home.