Have you contributed to the RRG start-up fund yet? (aka "What's flying worth to you?")

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Have you contributed to the RRG start-up fund yet? (aka "What's flying worth to you?")

Post by Brit_in_SoMD »

I love flying.
I want to continue flying.
So I've donated to the RRG start-up fund, $500 so far.

Please think about what flying's worth to you, what you can afford and then contribute accordingly - https://www.ushpa.aero/donation_form-RRG.asp.

Other people are donating, some extremely generously, individuals like Jim McCave here on this forum, and other clubs all over the country.

And then there's the superstar anonymous donor who'll chip in the last $100,000 if the rest of us will just do our part.

Think about that - $100,000 - that's incredible.
From one person.

If every other member of USHPA donated just $100 per person, we'd be done.

For all the fun, joy, friendships and experiences that I've had from flying over the last 22 years, (and that I hope to continue getting), I think $100 is a bargain.

And to put $100 in context:

$100 = one down tube
$100 = four tows
$100 = four days of retrieve driving
$100 = 1 year SPOT subscription
$100 = 1 month of cable/satellite TV & internet fees
$100 = 2 months of cell phone fees
$100 = 2/3s of the new Star Wars BB-8 toy you can control with your phone!


$100 = doing my part to get the RRG set-up so we can all continue to fly.

Again, please think about what flying's worth to you, what you can afford and then contribute accordingly - https://www.ushpa.aero/donation_form-RRG.asp.

But do it soon because time is running out.

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Re: Have you contributed to the RRG start-up fund yet? (aka "What's flying worth to you?")

Post by krista »


I am glad that we are writing and acting on this information, and I cannot agree with Pete's points more.

I would like to thank Jim and the anonymous other pilot who are willing to match the personal contributions of the club members. While I have received some emails so far, I can tell from the posts that others have made donations and not yet emailed me. Please email your donation so that I can record it and provide it to the matching parties (documentation from USHPA greatly appreciated).

Contact details: treasurer@chgpa.org or my last name @gmail.com.

Happy holidays, and happy future flying!
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