Woodstock Saturday

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Woodstock Saturday

Post by rasmussenv »

I realize the High Rock fly-in is happening and I don't mean to undermine that, but social obligations (and my birthday!) are keeping me home Fri night and Sat night.

Further, right now, the winds at elevation are looking a bit intimidating at High Rock for my Falcon, but really sweet at Woodstock, and I might be able to get my sister to come out at Woodstock - she lives nearby, but not for High Rock. For those reasons I am watching and thinking of flying Woodstock Saturday ... and would like to know if any others might be there.

You could call / text. standard northern virginia prefix, then five seven six 296 zero.
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by markc »

Depending on how the forecasts shake out, I might consider an early day at WS, then hitting the road for the High Rock 40th by 2:00pm.

Or maybe not.... Sunday at HRock is looking pretty sweet, so the other plan is to celebrate on Sat, stay over, and then fly the next day.

Or maybe.... Both!

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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by mcelrah »

If it will not be viewed as disloyalty to the High Rock party to arrive late afternoon, I would be more comfortable flying at Woodstock Saturday, too (back to flying a F III 195 - or a paraglider). The weather prognosticators are split: Matthew and Brian say it's nothing to out of the ordinary; Bacil says it will be strong (and that's on the Bacil scale!). Plan to fly motor glider at Woodstock (Burner Field, across 81 at the Woodstock exit) - the whole sailplane club will be there, so you may see some of us on the ridge or out front. - Hugh
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by mcelrah »

That last about the sailplanes was about Sunday.
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by markc »

Agree that flying WS is not disloyal, provided that a large contingent hits the road for HRock after flying. Remember, the point of tomorrow is to support Emma-Jane, and to express our thanks for being able to fly that site for 40 years. Exactly the sort of thing which might help prevent the LZ uncertainty which has just arisen at Woodstock.

So if you go... Be there early!

And who knows, it might even be a two-site day!
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by mcelrah »

The other strategy for Saturday would be to get to High Rock by say 1000 and get off, then fly as long as you can stand it.
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Dave Gills
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by Dave Gills »

I know how to get to the Pulpit.
Should I just continue East on Rt 30 past Chambersburg?

Does anyone have a physical address of the launch that I could just enter?
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by mcelrah »

Dave: someone posted the address on the other string about the High rock party. - Hugh
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by markc »

Look for Matthew's "High Rock Directions" post, Dave.

Another approach: Search for Pen-Mar Park in a nav/ map app, then follow the road past it to the top of the mountain. No street address per se....
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by Dave Gills »

Sorry folks..
I was looking for the address of Woodstock.

The address you gave me for High Rock is great.
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by markc »

Oh, sorry Dave, "East on Rt 30" is one way to head toward HRock from the Pulpit, so assumed that was your interest.

For Woodstock launch, you want to take Mill Road, Rt 665, off of Route 11, north of downtown Woodstock VA. One jig to the left, and it becomes Woodstock Tower Road. Take that to the top. Search a mapping app for Woodstock Tower George Washington National Forest.
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by Dave Gills »

Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for.
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by wmelo »

Given the fact, WS is the only site where the weather forecast is waltable, I am planning to follow the "birds," i.e., I am planning to go to WS in the morning, and then follow the group to HR.
Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
Ward Odenwald
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Re: WS->HR->WS

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Tomorrow’s forecasts are predicting very good conditions at WS, but this evening's casts for WS on Sunday are scary good! If you fly WS on Saturday, consider extending your adventure by spending the evening/night at HR (bragging about your flight) and then return to WS on Sunday for some serious long distance XC - or just make it a Saturday HR->Sunday WS adventure. Either way, we’re in for a great weekend!


PS: bring your bar mits for Sunday's flight.
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by Matthew »

Oh yes.

Please come to High Rock on Saturday evening and brag about your flights at Woodstock.

Thanks so very, very much for supporting High Rock.

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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by mcelrah »

Ooookay, Matthew - since the forecast got marginally better at HR and I am up so frickin' early anyway, I am headed there with arrival at 0930 (!) hoping to get an early moderate-wind launch. - Hugh
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by XCanytime »

Due to social obligations as well, I went to Woodstock since it looked pretty strong at High Rock, I am not current in cliff launching, and I was shook up pretty bad from last weekend's tragedy. Gary Smith and I arrived around the same time (9:15A) to light conditions and a sky full of clouds. Tom McGowan and Mark Cavanaugh arrived shortly thereafter. I took off first into a swirly slot around 11A and climbed out immediately in the west cross. Went down to the Edinburg Gap and climbed in a thermal at Waonaze Peak and lo and behold I was attacked by an angry redtail. During one 360 I was coming around to point SW when dead in front of me was a redtail hawk standing vertical and with its talons out coming at me quickly. I rolled level and he/she passed under my right wing, which was the target of the attack I guess. Rolling level quickly the redtail couldn't adjust and plowed under the wing. I will never forget the beautiful white chest with specks of rusty feathers. Headed under a beautiful cloudstreet halfway back to launch and climbed up to base (4600' MSL) and poked around into the valley before landing in a very turbulent LZ at 12:20P. Gary Smith landed soon after me as well, then Valerie landed. I got a ride back to launch on the back of Gary's motorcycle, which was cool. Back at the LZ Mark and Tom had landed. Hit the road by 2:30P to get back for the social obligation at 6P.
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Re: Woodstock Saturday

Post by markc »

Woodstock was definitely cracking on Sat! I was last off in spite of my get-there-early plan, in the air a bit before 12:30. Flew until 1:45, given the time constraint for getting to High Rock. Topped out at 5k MSL at Signal Knob, with Tom and a sailplane pilot. Ran away from lift, seemed potentially cloud sucky.... Great climb on the trip back south, with 700 up on the averager, back up to 4k+ MSL. Then a long slow descent near the LZ, and ultimately into conditions that were very turbulent. Like, crazy sink just as I was getting into the approach, never been pounded that hard in that area, had to radically change the plan. But the landing was ok-ish, no damage, very happy about that given the mid-day conditions.

No video, but I will remember the great fall colors, awesome from the air but nearly hidden from the ground.

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