musings on modern physics

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Dan T
Posts: 1082
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:58 pm
Location: Northern VA

musings on modern physics

Post by Dan T »

Since I haven't been unable to fly for a while, while recovering from the injuries resulting from my motorcycle accident, I've been relatively voraciously reading (laymen oriented) books and Scientific American level articles on modern physics. I find the subject fascinating and wish that I had the mathematical acumen to more fully understand the subject matter.

I know that there are at least a few members of our flight community who are far more conversant on these subjects than am I. If any of you would care to share a discussion on this subject with me while we are hang or pg waiting or having dinner after a flight day, I'd love to pick your brain on the matter. I'll get you back to your car and buy you a beer in return.

I think the four dimensional space-time invariant interval revealed through Einstein's theories of relativity and the results of the duel slit experiment are hints at two of the most fascinating mysteries in the universe. I'd greatly enjoy sharing musings on these subjects and others with anyone sharing my interest in them.

Dan T
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