Oregon Ridge Update ( 2 )

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Richard Hays
Posts: 315
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:13 am
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Oregon Ridge Update ( 2 )

Post by Richard Hays »

Here's the skinny; This Friday, Saturday and Sunday is a no fly weekend (
wine festival ).

The following weekend: 17th-no flying. 18th-flying ok after 12 noon but not
before!! 19th-ok to fly.

NOTE: the horrible, dreaded orange monster ( fence ) is now up. It can be
laid down, but has to be put back up BEFORE YOU LEAVE. Last person/group
flying puts up the fence. Also; sometimes the park erects a small rope
fence at the base of the hill. It does not have places in the ground for
putting back up and kinda becomes permanent until the park takes it down.
Its' not a problem for pilots flying from the high middle or top, but no
good for low-beginner type flights. The park frowns on you taking the rope
posts down. IF YOU DO, you better be prepared to have a maul to hammer the
posts back in place before leaving and/or catch hell from the park.

Weekdays are usually event free out there. The orange fence usually stays
up thru August and down again by early September. I recommend always
calling ahead before heading out. The park folks always paint a grim
schedule, but with some nicey-nice you can usually get them to elaborate
more specifically on when you can fly vs. when you can't.

Rich Hays
MSHG, Inc.
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