This is a request from Cloudbase Foundation
Jenn here from the Cloudbase Foundation ~ below is the scope of the KEEN Footware & Coudbase Foundation project, coordinated by Nick Greece. Please post on club blog, FB, website, etc to help us get the word out! We need to collect 150 more May Day! Thank you for passing along.
Attention Pilots..We need your help!
Donate your Used Wings and Old Reserves to Help Communities where we Fly!!!!!
KEEN Footwear and the Cloudbase Foundation are teaming up to Repurpose with a Purpose. We are looking for used wing donations that will be sewn to make bags. These bags will be sold at KEEN Festivals nationwide with all monies collected going directly to the Cloudbase Foundation’s projects. So whatever the bag sells for, Cloudbase will be given!
The primary objectives of the Cloudbase Foundation are to improve the health, education and general living conditions in communities where hang gliding and paragliding activities take place.
We know it is often hard to part with old wings as they cost a lot to purchase and we generally think there will be some way to use them again. This opportunity is a win-win as you will get a write-off that will help you clear up storage space as well.
If you donate you will be taking part in a program that:
1. Helps Communities in Need
2. Keeps a Huge Amount of Nylon out of Landfills and Your Garage
3. Raises Awareness for Hang Gliding and Paragliding, and the Great Projects the Cloudbase Foundation is Actively Encouraging
4. Provides a Charitable Donation Receipt to the Donor for a Wing that is Collecting Dust
5. KEEN Will Cover the Cost of Shipping (packaging excluded) the Wing Via Fedex
Here is how you send it:
Contact Ryan Sofich at He will send you back the address where to ship and the Fedex account to use. When you are filling in the shipping information at Fedex please include so that a tax receipt can be sent. Please also email with a list of what you sent, what the value would be if sold on open market, and your address to send the tax receipt.
We are not using the risers or the lines so if you would like to keep either, please do. If you have a newer wing that would be a great beginner glider and still has life in it please email first.
If you need further assistance email Nick Greece at
KEEN Project Center
att: Cloudbase Foundation
3449 N. Anchor St. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97217
You should ship “THIRD PARTY BILLING” using the below address as the bill to address associated with the account:
515 NW 13th AVE
CBF Equipment
Moderator: CHGPA BOD