HOGBACK Update - USHPA RD moving to ban Hogback pilots

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Dan T
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HOGBACK Update - USHPA RD moving to ban Hogback pilots

Post by Dan T »

USHPA Region 9 Director Felipe Amunategui has initiated actions to revoke the USHPA Observer rating and membership of these individuals. He has done so based upon input he has received from our Chapter president and from information he has taken from this website. He initiated the action without first contacting the individuals and providing them an opportunity to defend themselves. (However at my request he has since attempted to open this dialog).

The USHPA got involved in the matter when our Chapter BoD informed them of the situation. The pilots "contentious stance" i.e. refusal to apologize, appears to have played a central role in the escalation. Felipe stated the following in an introductory paragraph in a letter declaring his intentions.

"A preliminary review of the available evidence has merit to proceed with a full review of credentials for both of the pilots. Among these facts are that they chose to maintain a contentious stance rather than complying with the Chapter's request."

Felipe closes the letter with the following relevant statements: "Particularly egregious are instances of illicit acts (as evidenced in this case by the outcome of the legal proceedings), open defiance and noncompliance. We can argue ourselves into extinction, or we can accept the real meaning of self-regulation.

I have directed the office to revoke the Observer appointments held by Laslo Lovei (82771) and Tom Ceunen (81749) effective immediately. I will be notifying them of this action and of the ensuing review of their ratings."

Felipe also writes a note to our Chapter president. I have included it in its entirety below:

"Hey Jon,
I did not get Dan's post. For the record, I have directed the office to suspend both pilots' observer appointments immediately. I will be notifying both pilots of this and that their ratings will be reviewed for possible suspension or revocation shortly. Do you happen to have an active email for Laslo and for Tom C. I want to send them an email and copy you and any one else you deem appropriate. Since I am already viewed as heavy-handed by some of my colleagues, I will be seeking input from Hass and Palmaz on this.


I find his admitted tendency to be "heavy handed" to be enlightening. If we separate the facts from the largely unsubstantiated allegations what we have is an attempt to remove the observer ratings and possibly blackball two pilots because they refuse to participate in any further form of penance following their citation and trial for flying outside the terms of the special use permit. If you believe that Felipe's actions are inappropriately heavy handed, then I encourage you to write him at felipe.amunategui@yahoo.com and to copy our own CHGPA President.

Dan T
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Re: HOGBACK Update - USHPA RD moving to ban Hogback pilots

Post by brianvh »

Actually, I've just had a few email exchanges with Felipe, and am very impressed. Since I don't yet have permission to repost his emails, which are perfectly worded to address the issues at hand, I'll paraphrase: he is no longer pursuing ratings revocations, has been in conversations with the pilots concerned, would like to work to revise the terms of use, and wishes everyone would stop the flame-throwing.

Yes, he reads the forum. I wish it were as easy for a man of his abilities to address the overblown forum culture as it is to deal with the government. Working to revise the terms of use is a good thing. It would be good to stop squabbling and all work together on this.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: HOGBACK Update - USHPA RD moving to ban Hogback pilots

Post by brianvh »

I have received permission to repost Felipe's emails, and as I view them as an exemplary summary of the situation and how to move through it, here they are:

"Thank you for writing, and I am in complete agreement with you that rating revocations are highly undesirable. There are efforts underfoot and out of the flaming rhetoric to bring this to a sensible resolution, so we can attend to the substantive matter of changing the terms of the use permit. Please be patient and encourage folks to keep off their keyboards for a few days so reason has a chance to prevail over an issue that seems to have gotten way overblown, and stands, by itself, to do a lot of damage."

"I had a productive conversation with both pilots last night, and I hope they will consider an alternative that may get everyone past this emotional logjam, and into the more substantive issues underlying this problem like perhaps changing the terms of the use permit. I have less hope that there will be substantive changes in the way pilots address each other in that community. That is a big part of the problem.

hope for the best, and encourage folks to tone down the rhetoric on the subject. It makes it more likely for reason to prevail."
Brian Vant-Hull
Dan T
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Re: HOGBACK Update - USHPA RD moving to ban Hogback pilots

Post by Dan T »

I spoke with Felipe earlier today. It appears that things are going to get resolved in an appropriate manner. Brian's calm demeanor and intelligent dispassionate evaluation of the matter has been instrumental in achieving a change in tone in the conversation. I think his advice to be patient and keep off the keyboard for awhile is well founded. I ask that we all do so.

Dan T
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Re: HOGBACK Update - USHPA RD moving to ban Hogback pilots

Post by brianvh »

I think you are attributing Felipe's calm demeanor to me. Note the quotes. But I advocate the same.
Brian Vant-Hull