Open Pilot Forums

For issues related to CHGPA's operations and responsibilities

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Ward Odenwald
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Open Pilot Forums

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Threads on this forum have recently distilled down to discussions about our “divided house” and many of us have weighed in on the cause(s) and potential fixes. Unfortunately, one of today’s new threads (originated by Matt ->Weather analysis) represents another reminder of what’s wrong. While I’m happy that Matt shared information and thereby helped bridge the gap by re-posting a closed PG forum discussion that was authored/originated by Petr’s analysis of weather conditions at Woodstock (including a useful weather link), I’m left wondering about the additional information and photos posted on the PG forum that would benefit others. Although I respect Matt’s intent, his mountain flying experience is almost, if not completely, exclusive PG and, as a result, I’m concerned that his selection of what should or should not be re-posted on the open forum may miss information that is valuable to HG pilots, regardless of how trivial the info may appear. I also have to question why a CHGPA pilot would choose to share weather information with a select few and not all who fly Woodstock. I’ve heard many excuses for why “our house is divided” but when information useful to ensure safe flying is restricted, its time to remove the barrier - no matter who has suffered past offenses! Again, I appreciate Matt’s attempt to bridge the differences by re-posting - but filtering or parsing information only serves to highlight the decisive break. Open forums should be the first step toward helping all fly safe! Ward
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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by chgpa »

This topic/discussion is a valuable one to have, but it will be held in a new forum (not yet created, please have patience) that is dedicated to discussions about how CHGPA operates : As a community, as a forum, as a chapter, etc.

I'm locking this topic until those forum changes have been made.

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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by markc »

Sorry to have temporarily locked this topic Ward.... It seemed like a good idea while the recent forum re-organization was underway.

I understand where you are coming from : It would be great if HG and PG pilots always communicated within a single environment. Both disciplines can offer insights that are valuable to the other.

But the reality is that there *is* a split (partly technological btw; many PG pilots simply prefer email to a forum). Given that "it is what it is", let me ask you a question... Do you have any concrete suggestions for how to change the current dynamic?

Decrying the status-quo isn't going to accomplish anything. But perhaps you have some creative suggestions that might increase PG participation in the forums? If so, I'd love to hear them, maybe we can come up with some ideas that will make the forums more appealing.


Ward Odenwald
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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by Ward Odenwald »


The solution will certainly not come from creative suggestions or technology like the one you suggest on your forum tip list:

“You can specify a list of forum users from whom you do NOT want to see any posts. Why is this useful? Well, If someone simply gets on your nerves, this feature allows you to screen out content from that person, and your forum experience might be improved as a result.”

The solution to this issue lies in the personal understanding that when an individual joins this community (the CHGPA); they are interacting with and promoting a diverse community of individuals that share in the common interest and love of free flight. I believe that this diversity is one of our primary strengths and an important part of learning to fly safe! When I post my opinions or suggestions about a flying event or any other aspect of our sport, I expect to get feedback from individuals that look at and experience flying from a perspective that is frequently 180 degrees opposite from my “world-view” (both PG and HG pilot comments). Like all of us, I/we focus on “our side of the coin” but are frequently reminded that if we don’t pay attention to alternative views, safety or enjoyment of the sport will be compromised. It’s true that this remarkable diversity also brings sharp edges to the forum table that may make some of us uncomfortable. When I make a stupid suggestion that, in my mind appeared to be brilliant at the time, only to get raked over the forum coals – I learn from it! Sure, I walk away from the forum licking my wounded ego but when I stop weeping, I have a greater appreciation for the topic and the community. Your suggestion that one of the differences that divide us is “PG pilots simply prefer email to a forum” is trivial and not even close to the fundamental issue. The fundamental issue deals with the basic human behavioral trait of looking or running away from something that makes one uncomfortable! In our sport, we don’t have the luxury of doing that if we want to survive as a community and enhance the safety of our flight. The sharp edges will always be part of any community that shares in a common goal. So, “if someone simply gets on your nerves”, the last tool that this community needs is a button that erodes the diversity of opinions that one is exposed to! To restate what has already been previously discussed - when a significant proportion of CHGPA members that have open access to our forums, and thereby learn from their discussions, are discussing important aspects of flight that focus on our flying sites to a select few (for example see Matt’s recent reposting of Petr’s Woodstock weather information) and not all that fly Woodstock, that’s equivalent to clicking on the ‘simply gets on your nerves” button. When one joins CHGPA, it's a “give and take” relationship with a wonderfully diverse group of individuals that share in a common bond. Whether we appreciate it or not, we all benefit from the free exchange of ideas and information. My hope is that all CHGPA members participate in flying discussions that are open to all and that before we initiate or enter into a discussion on a closed forum that we consider the primary goal of our community – to promote the community and safe flying for all. So put on your “flack-jacket” and jump into the discussions that matter to you but what ever you do, please don’t run from its sharp edges. Ward
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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by markc »

You make an eloquent and impassioned appeal for pilots of all stripes to fully participate, as it will strengthen and inform the community as a whole. I agree with many of your points... Have you considered running for the BOD Ward?

Appeals *can* make a difference. Perhaps making them in person (at meetings; one-on-one), in addition to within the forum, would be one practical/concrete way of trying to effect change?

BTW, my mention of the email issue was simply to point out that our forum really _does_ have an inherent limitation. And perhaps my "it is what it is" attitude simply indicates that I'm getting way too jaded and pessimistic for my own good! :shock:

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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by mingram »

I won't block anyone. I wanna hear it all. Which is what Ward is asking for. I'm sorry people have chosen to talk on a private forum. Most aren't doing it intentionally - they're just taking the path of least resistance talking directly to the people interested in what they have to say where they don't get attacked. The discourse has been exhausting lately (e.g., the hogback thread) and makes people want to participate less. I guess I'm realizing that we need to work harder to preserve and strengthen the bonds between us because without that effort we will definitely drift more and more apart and I don't want to see that happen.
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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by mingram »

On second thought I don't think it's that dire. Sounds like Some people rub each other the wrong way. Everyone should just get over it. If you have a problem with someone talk to them.
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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by markc »

Talking, in person, is a very good thing IMO. Forums and listservs are great for many things, but face-to-face communication (hopefully over a beer!!!!) is also important.

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Re: Open Pilot Forums

Post by deveil »

"Applause, applause"

Nailed it, Ward.

I read that and found myself looking for my checkbook, ready to send in my pledge.

Obviously heart-felt.


Way cool.

[ I didn't want my previous cheeky comment to have been the last one recorded. ]
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