More Region 9 election info

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John Anderson
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More Region 9 election info

Post by John Anderson »

Great that there is so much enthusiasm about the USHPA Region 9 Election, and that we have four excellent candidates. I also don’t know Wayne, but it is a tough choice on the others—wow, Dan, Hugh, Patrick, and Larry! And in an election, one always learns new things about people. For example, I’ve met Larry 3 or 4 times, but never knew that he is an MD Gynecologist. So, just to keep this campaign objective and positive, this joke will be primarily about an opthamologist.

(Scene setter #1: Dr. Retinus is at a luncheon banquet, standing before a large crowd of seated colleagues, most of them MDs, who have come to wish him well for his recent selection as Most Distinguished Opthamologist of the Profession. Together with the event’s host, Dr. Sierrahuesos, he is standing before an enormous easel. To keep the oeuvre concealed until its unveiling, a white sheet has been draped over the work of art commissioned to honor him, as a gift from his admiring colleagues. )

Dr. Sierrahuesos: Ira, we want you to know how much we all esteem your many professional accomplishments. It is indeed a pleasure to present to you this token of our admiration.

Dr. Retinus: I’m truly fortunate to be here among so many of my distinguished colleagues and friends.

(Scene setter #2: Dr. Sierrahuesos then pulls away the sheet covering the art. As he does, he reveals an imposing oil painting nearly large enough to cover a wall. It is a giant eyeball, complete with a huge iris, and in the center, filling the pupil, is an impressive portrait of Dr. Retinus himself. )

Dr. Sierrahuesos: Well, Ira, what do you think?!

Dr. Retinus: Gosh, my first thought is I am so lucky and thankful to have such wonderful colleagues.

Dr. Sierrahuesos: And your second thought?

Dr. Retinus: Right about now I am also kind of glad that I am not a gynecologist.

OK, I am not sure just how this new info should affect your vote on Region 9, just putting it out there. Anyway, as Matthew pointed out, please worship at the temple/ church/ synagogue/ mosque/ ashram/ wiccanfirepit/ etc. of your choice, but WORSHIP! And vote for the ologist of your choice, but VOTE !
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