Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

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Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by wmelo »

Dear HG pilots

I know that the weather forecast can change until Friday, but so far it looks like we may have a good day at Woodstock.
Is there any observer willing to fly there this Fri if the conditions are good?


Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
Ward Odenwald
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Current forecasts are indicating soarable conditions along the entire Massanutten Ridge with straight in surface winds @ 1PM ~> ~15mph, launch -> ~20mph and ~20mph at a grand above launch. Plus, no overcast with only cumulous at ~5K and above. Its GO TIME! If the conditions don't tank, I'll be there early. Ward
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by garys »

I can't make it until 2:00 pm. Hoping it holds.
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by g.sessa »

I am also interested in flying Woodstock tomorrow. At this point, I will plan to arrive by 11 am.
Greg Sessa
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Dan T »

There are several PG pilots hankering to go myself included. PG
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by hang_pilot »

Conditions look decent for late October: 400 - 600 fpm, top of usable lift 4500 - 5500. A ridge run might be reasonably doable, if not foliage should be approaching peak for good sight seeing. I'm in, too. ETA ~ noon.


Sorry, Walt, not an observer.
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by krryerson »

I will be at Woodstock this Fri (10/25/2013) and are planning to arrive around ETA ~11AM.
Rich E
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Rich E »

Also planning on being there around 1100


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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by krryerson »

It was a great day for HG at Woodstock today and about ~8-9 HG pilots did fly. Some pilots flew early, around noon; but most of us started between 1:30 - 2:30. I started around 2:20 and flew for ~2 hrs. It was fun being so many flying the ridge today, south and north, making it easier for all, in analyzing the flying condition along the ridge. I topped out around 4K over LZ and had to leave the lift to avoid getting under a cloud base. There was plenty of lift and strong smooth lift many places on the ridge. Also, we did see at least 3 glider plane flying the ridge with us, or passing by. Sweet!
The corn field/bridge field LZ is still not harvest yet, so most of us landed at the main LZ and I did not see any problems there. When I left around ~5:30, there were still one HG in the air. Again, a great day for HG at Woodstock today, but not the best condition for PG today.
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by hang_pilot »

Fantastic conditions at Woodstock (for HG)! Had 700' over in consistent ridge lift all day and strong thermals for when you wanted to get really cold.

I launched second in the afternoon wave, just after Ward at 2pm and flew for exactly two hours landing because of cold fingers. Ran the ridge from the Strasburg reservoir to Waonaze Peak; MaxPunkte calls it a 42km (26mi) triangle. Max alt was 4900 MSL, others were much higher.

As Knut mentioned, a highpoint was sharing the air with three sailplanes (#23?, J5?, and ?) who were running the ridge low like it was a racetrack. The consensus was that it was a real pleasure to fly with them and they were excellent citizens: always giving us lots of room and occasionally dropping in to wave hello.

I think a ridge run all the way to Harrisonburg was reasonably doable with today's conditions. Although a west cross late might have made the second half a slog. I thought about going for it but launched a bit on the late side for that and then couldn't get up at Edinburg until later when the lift was dialing back. Ward did jump the gap, not sure how far south he got. Ward?

Good luck at Pulpit on Sunday!

Be safe enough, please.


P.S. Thanks for the lift, Knut.
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by g.sessa »

What a great day at Woodstock! Good pilot turn out, nice conditions, and fun flying. I found good lift just after launching and decided to make the run to Signal Knob. I cruised there and back staying mostly between 1,200 and 2,500 ft over the ridge. As Daniel mentioned, it was cool to fly with the sailplanes along the way. After returning and shortly flying around launch, I headed out into the valley. I was getting cold and tempted to land until I hooked a great thermal. I took the thermal to ~5,000 AGL, near cloud base. I decided to fly out and tag I-81 and then head in to land. The only challenge I had was with my harness zipper on approach. I was low as I made it back to the primary LZ, and struggling to get the zipper unstuck. It took a bit of a fight, but I was able to get my harness open and managed a safe landing on my feet in the primary. The 2 hour flight was great, although I definitely paid the price with very cold fingers by the time I landed.
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by krryerson »

P.S. Big thanks to Rich and Walt who helped launch us during the afternoon wave.
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by wmelo »

Unquestionable, it was a great "working" day at Woodstock :)
I arrived earlier, but I could not fly before before noon due to the wind direction. I had a very short flight in morning. I had a good lunch due the great instructions and support I got from my observer in addition to the assistance to my wire crew: Rich, Ward, and Knut. I could easy get over the lunching area. But, since I wanted to practice my landing (that according to Jesse were not good at all :cry: ), I landed after a few minutes to avoid too much turbulence in the LZ. Went back to the mountain, with 5 stink pilots in my car: Fortunately, a very nice lady (Rich's mother) was also inside the car, so the ride became bearable: no, I was not driving a mini van :) :) :)

Then the fun started, all the pilots had strong lunches and very long flights. I rescued my observer, and Greg rescued Ward. The other pilots landed in the primary LZ.

I flew again by 5:00pm and had a great time. To my dismay, my camera decided to die on me so I could not record the eagles that were flying in front of me :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
After 30min I landed in the primary LZ. I had a decent landing, although my flare still needs to be improved :cry:

I hope to fly again with this great group of pilots this Sunday at Pulpit.

Walt Melo
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Matthew »

I had a good lunch ....I could easy get over the lunching area...

Went back to the mountain, with 5 stink pilots in my car:

Then the fun started, all the pilots had strong lunches...


Where is this lunching area??? And did you and the other "stink" pilots have a nice strong breakfast????

Ward Odenwald
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Very good day but the forecasts were only half-right as predicted conditions didn’t show up until ~1 PM. Could be wrong, but the AM -> PM wind direction transition appears to be more frequent at WS compared to the Pulpit. As others have posted, everyone including Scott, a new PG pilot from Colorado, had good flights. The fall foliage transitions along and in between the ridges were remarkable – highlighting differences between areas of natural vs. planted trees. Was in the air for almost 2.5 hrs with the first half of the flight mostly north of launch and the remainder heading south with a goal of reaching the end of the Masssanutten. I made it down to the end of Short Mountain but lacked the guts to jump back to the ridge that extends to the New Market gap - no LZs, significant overdevelopment (enough to trigger the flash on my cameras) and way past the predicted time window of peak thermal activity. Hugh THANKS to Greg Sessa for bringing me back to launch! Here are some images of my highest climb (just south of takeoff), crossing the Edinburg gap, Short Mtn and my landing. Photo #1 shows that the corn in the Bridge Field LZ has not been harvested, #8 -> the crop status of the bailout fields near the Edinburg gap, #9 -> one of the sail planes (the one with winglets), #12 -> the south end of Short Mtn and the overdevelopment that extended beyond and #16 -> the LZ that I selected while I was still over the ridge based on its light tan color indicating a recent harvest. Ward
Last edited by Ward Odenwald on Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Second set of five.
Ward Odenwald
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Third set.
Ward Odenwald
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Re: Fri (10/25/2013) @ Woodstock

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Last set of five.
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