Hyner - Memorial Day Weeekend

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Hyner - Memorial Day Weeekend

Post by Spark »

The Hyner 2005 Memorial day weekend was excellent (as usual) with some decent flying conditions, in spite of a few rain showers. I flew four days in a row: Friday through Sunday (7 flights on Saturday!), flew tandem with Bob Gillisse's friend Brandon, soared the Falcon 225 solo and my PG a few times, and took a bunch of photos.

The Hyner club will celebrate their 30th anniversary on the 4th of July weekend. It will be a memorable occasion and well worth the drive. The Tshirt (by Tex) is awesome. http://www.hynerclub.com/

Photos at: http://community.webshots.com/album/356546693NsDjsN
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