Tuesday 5/14
Moderator: CHGPA BOD
Tuesday 5/14
A few PG pilots are hoping to skip work and fly XC on Tuesday. Hoping to fly the Pulpit.
Re: Tuesday 5/14
Headed to Dickey's. eta noon
Re: Tuesday 5/14
There were lenticulars and cirrus and only a few cumulus that would dissipate quickly. I launched in an easy cycle after the cirrus shaded the valley. I managed to bobble along the ridge north and found some good climbs, but kept losing them. Finally bobbled to Front Royal and found a massive thermal that was easy to turn very flat in - max 4 m/s that I took to 5500 feet msl. I glided North East hoping to follow the Blue Ridge and then turned East trying to catch some cumulus over Linden, but was getting low over big transmission lines and hand to land. I landed at the farm just before the entrance to 66. 1 hour 25 min flight. I was hoping for easier conditions, but still a nice day out of the office.