Incident at Bill's Hill

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Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by kcarra »

I did not make the LZ at Bill's Hill last Sunday, April 21st, in my paraglider. I waited through the day when turbulent flights were reported and there was an obvious north cross. At about 5:30 or so it started to get quite nice and was coming in straight. I had a good launch and hoped to join Krista, who was soaring. I made a couple passes but wasn't getting up so I headed out. I felt like I left at a resonable altitude. The air was not buoyant in the valley. I was descending at a normal pace for awhile and was on a beeline towards the North cut-out. About 3/4 or more out I started hitting significant sink. It didn't seem as if choosing another heading would have been a good idea at that point. I had a slight pop but then had even more sink and realized it was unlikely that I would reach the LZ. The leaves in PA are not as developed as they are in Washington and the tree crowns looked sparse. I headed towards the biggest one I could see. The canopy caught in the crown initially and then I fell to the ground. The fall was arrested at least once but eventually I fell quickly and hard. I'm not sure how high I was at that point. I landed on my feet and my helmet hit my right eye. I was able to detach myself from the glider and walk out to meet Austin who was running towards me (thanks Austin). I landed about 100 feet from the tree line.

My back was (and is) very sore, my left foot hurt quite a bit and I have a black eye but otherwise I am OK. Thanks to Peter who helped Matthew get my glider out (it came down with me but 1/2 of it was hung up in a smallish tree) and thanks to everyone who checked up on me.

Karen Carra
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by A0213 »


I am so sorry to hear about your incident :( . Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!!!!!

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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by deveil »

Dear girl, it's most considerate of you to have not been more seriously hurt, because my heart was falling along with you as I read your description of your descent - a little dramatic perhaps, but I liked the sound of it <wink>.

So you're okay?
You sure?

Well in that case, would you be so kind as to entertain us with a posting of a pic of you and your black eye? A frilly blouse and a nice spring bonnet would look ever so clever, don't you think?


I dare you. <grin>
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by FlyingFelix »

So sorry to hear you got hurt!
Shit happens, it's hang gliding after all - I just got a sprung ankle at Oregon Ridge the other day.
I'm glad it wasn't worse and wish you a speedy recovery!
I'm guessing your wing is done for? Time for a new glider!
Hope to see you soon! Stay positive, you'll be over it faster than you think.
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by jyoder111 »

Glad you're ok!

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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by sailin »

Speedy recovery to you!!! I'll look forward to flying with you soon!

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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by markc »

I'm so sorry about your accident Karen, and I hope that your bumps and bruises heal quickly!

Given how low Bill's is, and given that you were headed to the most 'make-able' portion of the field,I think it would be very difficult to decide to alter course (theoretically getting into less sink?). Any other path available would have you over the trees for a longer time, and probably looked like a guaranteed tree-landing, as opposed to "maybe I can make this". I can imagine the options that must have been flying through your mind.... Truly sucks to be in that kind of situation.

Sure sounds like you were flying pretty conservatively... In hindsight, is there anything that jumps out as a possible red flag? If not: wrong-place/wrong-time. It happens.

But I sure wish it hadn't happened to you!!!!

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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by silverwings »

Hope you are doing OK and are feeling better. I was wondering what your height was and location (relative to launch) when you headed out and were you experiencing any significant cross when you headed out?
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by mingram »

So bummed this happened Karen. I definitely experienced the same strong sink.
Did you use speedbar? With B wings you don't get much penetration with speed but I wonder if a little would have helped.
Matt Ingram
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by kcarra »

I was not experiencing a cross as I went out. I would guess that I was slightly below launch when I left. I briefly thought about speed bar but I'm not really quick at getting to it and I wasn't sure if it would just increase my descent, so I decided that it was better to not try for it and to keep my attention focused.
Karen Carra
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by Pete Schumann »

Hey Karen,

Hope you're doing okay by now. I once helped another PG guy out of one of the tallest trees I've ever gotten anyone out of at Bills'. The first branch was over 80' up, so I know there are some real tall trees there. I've been in the trees myself enough to know it's not fun but on the otherhand I was thankful for the ones at Gary's beach that saved my butt last year in the HG. Glad you're ok.

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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill


Sorry to hear about your accident. I am glad you are OK.
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Karen! I just saw this! I am so grateful you're okay. Hugs and love to you, from both Paul and me.
PS: I think a new kitten would make you feel better.
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by Richard Hays »

Bummers! Well.......those damn squirrels needed a wake-up call. Its spring! Get moving little tree rats. And watch out for those flying humans! BS aside....sorry for your mishap. Glad you are ok. : 0 )

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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by brianvh »

Wow! Welcome to the tree club! It's a horrid feeling when you feel the club initiation rite approaching, seems like you handled it well and it could have been so much worse.

I thought I was about to upgrade my membership to the club a few weeks ago during my first flight at Elisabethville when I got drilled by widespread sink, but a couple thermals saved my ass just enough to get into the bailout. All you can do is fly the damn glider and hope to minimize the consequences, and you did that well. Will enjoy inspecting your bruises at the Pulpit Fly-in!
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by kcarra »

Jeez - hoping all bruises will be gone by then! As David Bodner let me know, I can't even do a tree landing right! Despite my best efforts I didn't manage to stay in the tree, so I'm not sure I'm officially in the club.
Karen Carra
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by brianvh »

"...I landed on my feet...."

Yep, disqualified. An exclusive club's gotta be exclusive. I'm not sure we even let Hugh in after hitting a tree hard enough to knock him cold and spend the night in the hospital: the rebound put him in the LZ at only a few feet altitude.
Brian Vant-Hull
Ashley Groves
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Re: Incident at Bill's Hill

Post by Ashley Groves »

Ohh, just read this. :(
Get well soon!
Ashley Groves
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