Dickey's Ridge Sunday

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Joe Schad
Posts: 592
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:37 pm
Location: Strasburg, VA

Dickey's Ridge Sunday

Post by Joe Schad »

I decided to try Dickey?s Ridge today after talking with Steve about the day. It rained here this morning but the sun came out about 1100. I got to launch about 12:30 and set up. Conditions were very light and cross. I waited till a little after three to launch when the sun finally stayed out for a while. I thought I got a good launch cycle but as it turned out I launched into sink. I made one turn and headed to the LZ only to find some lift about half way out. Got a nice save and flew for a little more than an hour. The sky started to over develop and I got some good, too good, lift north of launch to 3700 over. I was getting concerned with the dark cloud approaching the lz and launch. Decided to head toward Front Royal. Managed to get to the north side of the town and land by 522 along the river for 6.25 mi. For me it was my first xc from Dickey?s and I was on the falcon.

I called Steve for a ride (he was still in D.C.) and he said he would drive out. I really did not mean for him to drive out. I had to walk a few miles back to the park but managed a ride for the last six miles. A good geezer day.
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