Brazil Trip Cancelled

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Brazil Trip Cancelled

Post by MikeB »

I've never had a complaint about the post office in my 66 years. Now it costs big bucks and a flying trip in the trash. I mailed my passport to the Brazilian consulate in DC to the address on their web site, return receipt 5 weeks before needed. Over the next 2 weeks, I started getting nervous, with the local post office saying that DC has strange delivery 'units' with embassies and gov sites. etc. I started getting really nervous at 4 weeks(1 week to go) when much to my amazement, my package was returned to me, marked 'Return to Sender, Attempted-Not Known, Unable to Forward". Turns out the address was not an "official" street address, the post office sent several notices to the consulate to come pick up the package and when the didn't, after 2 weeks, they returned it to me.
SO don't address anything to 'L' St and 15th St, NW. The consulate never acknowledged any of my 5 emails, so I don't know the correct address. Find out from a successful visa applicant before you apply. Another option would be to pay an agency to get the visa for you, but I'm cheap.
So I have 10 days of found time, to prepare more leisurely for the holidays and family.
I'm sorry to miss the Holiday bash tonight, a little too far from from my hacienda in West Virginia.
Have a lot of caiparinia's on me?
Michael Brooks
PS Tell Dan I left a message for Cameron at the USFS Lee district office about Edith's Gap.
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Re: Brazil Trip Cancelled

Post by mingram »

So sorry about Brazil, Mike. I think I paid an agency when I got mine, but I too cut it too close to my trip and was sweating getting it back in time. No such requirements in Colombia. I didn't even fill out the imigration form - they just let me right in the country!

Matt Ingram
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Re: Brazil Trip Cancelled

Post by mcelrah »

Brazil (and Vietnam - others?) charge ONLY AMERICANS a high fee for visas - because that's what we do to everyone else on the planet to get into our country! You should see the lines of visa applicants outside any U.S. embassy - we make it really tough to get in, even as a tourist. - Hugh
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Re: Brazil Trip Cancelled

Post by brianvh »

The only country I've every been to that required a visa was China: been there twice, hand carried the documents to the consulate each time. The first dropoff required a train ride from Baltimore to DC. A lot easier when you're near DC or New York though. Also easier when you're a graduate student and nobody misses you when you're out for a day.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Brazil Trip Cancelled

Post by Flying Lobster »

mcelrah wrote:Brazil (and Vietnam - others?) charge ONLY AMERICANS a high fee for visas - because that's what we do to everyone else on the planet to get into our country! You should see the lines of visa applicants outside any U.S. embassy - we make it really tough to get in, even as a tourist. - Hugh
Hugh is spot on in this observation--when I went to Brazil 5 years ago (my expensive visa just expired) you can only do it through a consulate and they will single you out for special treatment for sure. They even have a special customs areas at the airports just for gringos! Make sure you got LOTS of time between flights to plan on their special attentions. I've also run into this periodically in Europe--though it's hard to tell how much of it is TSA requirements or just "being f*&cked with."

All that said--it's worth the hassle--Brazil absolutely blew me away as one of the most exotic and beautiful places I've ever been. And the flying--OMG.

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Re: Brazil Trip Cancelled

Post by MikeB »

Go to Iquique in Chile for the best daily air time possible. Money back if you don't fly.
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