Highland Monday/swamp bitch!!!

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Paul Tjaden
Posts: 398
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:28 pm

Highland Monday/swamp bitch!!!

Post by Paul Tjaden »

In a message dated 5/11/2005 8:53:22 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, adventuretales@yahoo.com writes:
Lauren. Hmmm. No. Not The Ridgely Guy.
She'll always be SB to me :)

Ha. Originally, I dubbed myself the "Sky Goddess". Not much reason for the name but it sounded cool. This somehow changed to "Air Bitch" during the first Highland Fly in I attended. I didn't love the moniker, but at least it had some character.
Shortly thereafter, Paul worked one day at the farm, taking my clients so?I could practice approaches at Highland. Alas, I misjudged when I turned away from the field when a plane dove in to use the runway (not in my way; my reaction was not appropriate). Sunny saw that I was going to end up in the swamp long before I did. I?tucked in my lips, hoping to glide past it,?until that last moment when I joined the frogs and snapping turtles. I swam in the mud and fished slime out of my bra after I landed.
Everyone was worried until they saw I was fine. They bolted over to where I lay. I started crying and everyone was kind but they were giggling, too. My harness had become soaked, so Adam said I couldn't fly it anymore until I got?my parachute?repacked.
But Chad and Adam and Sunny lent me a harness and I got to fly again, because I was scared after that, and I didn't want to end that way. It was my first longer (I can't remember, 30 minutes?) soaring flight I got that afternoon.

Or perhaps Super Sky Goddess SB.
After that I was the Swamp Bitch. With capitals, thank you. Matthew and Paul got hysterical laughing about it. I had almost forgotten. Bruce filmed me swimming in the swamp the next year in this military suit, on the day of the fly in. But I am Sky Goddess to all of you. Right???
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