Woodstock Thurs

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Woodstock Thurs

Post by stevek »

Joe Schad and I arrived about 1:00. Launchable but cross. WSW. Cloud track was west but they were moving pretty good. I would say 30. We had our Dickey Ridge gliders -- Falcon for Joe and my Sport 2. Not the best choices for the conditions.

Just as we finished setting up we got word from Hank and Bruce that they were giving up on the Pulpit because of rain squalls/gust fronts and high winds. There was nothing like that at WS but the Pulpit is just up the road a piece and we both stared hard at the clouds a while looking for signs of violence. Seemed ok so I volunteered to launch first.

Out of the slot it was running straight down the ridge which I expected. And it was rotary and nasty which I expected. Got to 1,000 over and it smoothed out some but was just really strong and still surprisingly nasty. Lots of lift in streets (flew out to the bridge field in lift) but I didn't want to go higher. After a short while, I decided flying around with the VG almost full and the bar at my tummy wasn't a whole lot of fun and belonged more in the stunt category so I landed. Told Joe it was not Falconable and he broke down.

Pete and Tom arrived after I landed. It clouded up but also backed off and straightened out. When Joe and I left they were doing fine. So we shoulda...
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