Woodstock Wed.

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Posts: 74
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:14 pm

Woodstock Wed.

Post by hankh2rbc »

Instead of writing post about helmets, Homer, Adam, Hubble, Bruce, and I decided to take ours flying. Conditions when I arrived at 3:00 were pretty light. Hubble had an extendo. Homer and Adam did a great job scratching from 100 ft under to 300 ft over launch netting around 30 min + or so. I launched at 5:00 into a very light cycle resigned to taking my sled like a man and break down in the LZ. I was more suprised than anyone when I went right to 1000 ft over in baby but smooth lift. Got considerably more punchy and windy to the north. I got 2000 above launch and did a short 7.5 mile cross country to a friend's house and put it down in his front yard entertaining his wife and kids. All in all a great day.

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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:13 pm
Location: Tallahassee, FL

Woodstock Wed.

Post by hang_pilot »

[Hank wrote] Instead of writing post about helmets, Homer, Adam, Hubble, Bruce, and I decided to take ours flying.
>>>Ouch, low blow!? It’s not like we’re writing e-mails instead of flying, we’re writing e-mails instead of working. ?J?
[Hank wrote] I was more suprised than anyone when I went right to 1000 ft over in baby but smooth lift. Got considerably more punchy and windy to the north. I got 2000 above launch and did a short 7.5 mile cross country to a friend's house and put it down in his front yard entertaining his wife and kids.
>>>I hope it was a big yard.? Haven’t heard much from Karma lately.? Hope all is well.

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