Pulpit Fly-In

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Pulpit Fly-In

Post by Matthew »

Just a reminder to STEVE and everyone else. The Pulpit Fly-In is a fundraiser for the club a AND MORE IMPORTANTLY a fundraiser for the McConnelsburg Fire and Rescue Squad, a squad that has helped to save the lives of several of our pilots and friends. All LZ owners and the Park Officers at the Buchanon National Forest are notified about the additional cars on site that weekend. Special care is taken to limit the number of cars in the LZs ever since the Fisher Road Incident of several years ago.

I encourage everyone to participate in the Pulpit Fly-In to help support the McConnellsburg Fire and Rescue Squad and to help support their local club that works very hard to maintain, insure and improve our flying sites and maintain good relations with our LZ owners.

Flying Lobster
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Something else to think about before voting

Post by Flying Lobster »

One last thing I'd like to add to the whole helmet/Pulpit debate before the meeting of the ruling elite.

To the best of my knoweledge, Danny Brotto is the only member of our local community that actively flies without a full-face helmet (and probably flies at less risk than many pilots who fly with full face helmets). So, any regulation that the club passes in regards to limiting access to the fly-in or otherwise is in effect nothing more than a discrimanatory ban of Danny.

Now my memory may be a little foggy (and I'm sure Danny or Rich will correct me), but way back when (before most of you reading this even knew what hang gliding was about) I think Danny was one of the original contributors that enabled the purchase of the Pulpit to begin with. Later, the purchase became the Pulpit fund/group so that the local clubs could fly there.

Et tu, Brut?

Great Googly-moo!
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Pulpit Fly-In

Post by hang_pilot »

One last thing I'd like to add to the whole helmet/Pulpit debate before the meeting of the ruling elite.

>>> General membership meeting tonight, everyone welcome.? We practically beg people to come! If you’re looking for elitism it’s not here.?

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Pulpit Fly-In

Post by mcelrah »

To whoever is organizing the swag for the fly-in: I have two large
boxes of t-shirts (long- and short-sleeve), polo shirts, and
wife-beaters - which I am VERY interested in disposing of. We should
give a shirt to every entrant "while supplies last". - Hugh

On 27 Apr 2005, at 09:26, Matthew wrote:

> Just a reminder to STEVE and everyone else. The Pulpit Fly-In is a
> fundraiser for the club a AND MORE IMPORTANTLY a fundraiser for the
> McConnelsburg Fire and Rescue Squad, a squad that has helped to save
> the lives of several of our pilots and friends. All LZ owners and the
> Park Officers at the Buchanon National Forest are notified about the
> additional cars on site that weekend. Special care is taken to limit
> the number of cars in the LZs ever since the Fisher Road Incident of
> several years ago.
> I encourage everyone to participate in the Pulpit Fly-In to help
> support the McConnellsburg Fire and Rescue Squad and to help support
> their local club that works very hard to maintain, insure and improve
> our flying sites and maintain good relations with our LZ owners.
> Matthew
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