Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

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John Simon
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Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

Post by John Simon »

Hi guys,

as many of you know and some may not... there is an informal contest going between the newish Campbell field in far SE VA (down the Delmarva south of Ocean City), and Highland (Ridgely Md). No one has flown an XC flight from one to the other yet and the first to do it gets lifelong bragging rights and brings great honor and distinction unto himself and his airfield of choice. There have been at least two attempts made and this last Monday Ric Neihaus and myself setup for another. Being a Highland Towhead... and having a strong north wind, we met at Ridgely at about 11AM. Because we are slow and this was my first XC of the year... we didn't launch until about 1pm. First mistake. (Bunner is rolling his eyes right now). This is a 104 mile jaunt.

Second mistake... I could not get my radio to transmit but could hear a bit. 3rd? Ric had to put a new battery in his 30 year old flight instrument (I thought it was wind-up but I was mistaken). This required him to take it apart, manufacture some parts, buy some vacuum tubes, stuff tinfoil into a magneto, murder a goat, and have relations with a farm animal. A few of these things he took great pleasure in. But alas the sacrifice was not sufficient to appease the Lift Gods... see below.

I launch first and have a spirited tow up to about 1900'. I jump off with great optimism (I saw a pretty good forecast, albeit a windy one). I was sure I'd hook right into the 600 fpm I was promised on the internet, but Al Gore would take no responsibility for what I was to find when I elected to jump off tow early... about 50 fpm down. While I slowly sank out, a fully satiated Ric launched with great hopes of his own. It was his first flight of the year and he, having recently installed the new batteries and enjoyed the aforementioned carnal relations was raring to go. It was not to be. His instrument was not working. Not a surprise given what he had recently done with it. ..... the VARIO people, it was broke...jeez. It was stuck on 800 altitude and no real vario action happening.

He soon lost most of his altitude playing with it and put down gently near Denton and was quickly picked up and returned to explain himself and his failure on this most holy of quests'.

Meanwhile, I was drifting downwind fast in 12 mph with the low altitude wind about 330 degrees. I was down to about 1100' and finally found a couple scraps in the rough and broken air to work. It finally came together at 3500' and I zipped up to 5500' at the promised 600 fpm (thanks Al).
I set out South and found big sink in between a few puffies out ahead. I promptly got down to about 800' or so and began grovelling again. It took forever, drifting fast and low over the river and some fields to finally connect and SLOWLY climb out in 100 fpm. At 3300' it turned on again and I was zipping' up to 5600 or so.
Now, at this point even I have figured out getting low is a bad thing. So I re-dedicate myself to staying high and head out south again. It's now quite blue except for a couple little wispy's that pop in and out of existence. I am making 55-60 mph groundspeed with 20 mph tailwind from the N at the higher levels. Soon... so soon I am down again to 1200'. I know ... I know. Same story basically, waste tons of time grovelling and then climb. It's now totally blue and I pass west of Salisbury. I head south from about 5800' and recharge when I get to 4000' (there is hope for me). This goes on a while, it's rough and broken in there with a few wireslapping jolts that don't make me very happy. A nice street has set up 15 or 20 miles off to my left near the shore... a mild convergence of sorts I am guessing as all is now utterly blue all around me. I continue into the agave, grab a few more climbs and get low 2 more times. Finally my luck runs out and I land near Hwy 13 near Wallops Isle airport. It's about 65 miles and 38 or 39 miles shy of beer. A nice family feeds me and holds my hand while I weep a little. Ric shows up with Bud(weiser) and all is well again.
It was a great day to fail! I shall try again and hope to have much company. There is glory and much barley to be won. Come out and fly!!!

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Re: Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

Post by mcelrah »

Ha ha! Most entertaining - and I can only hope to have such a long flight in challenging conditions. But this is inspiring! Keep 'em coming! - Hugh
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Re: Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

Post by kcarra »

yes, great write up! Next time take Heather with you!
Karen Carra
John Simon
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Re: Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

Post by John Simon »

I'd love Heather to come along... you too! I think when it's Heather's time, it'd be best if she flew with other pilots. She never listens to me so it'd be just like she was flying solo (which is not all bad but a slow way to learn).

I wave at her, yell to her, dive down to her. But she does not wish to be with me up there, just runs away every time. Maybe Ric or Sunny or Bob or Mark... I could follow along out of sight. :lol:

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Re: Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

Post by mcelrah »

I think we should try to re-activate the duffers XC consortium this season. Carlos, Dan Tomlinson, Mark C., Mathew, Karen, Heather, John (OK, he's no duffer but we could learn from him), others. I think it's sufficient if the first one to land makes his/her way back to the field and then starts the retrieval chain. We just need to give ourselves permission to leave the bubble... - Hugh
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Re: Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

Post by Dan T »

Let's do it.

We need to leave the circle so we can work together.

Wouldn't it be great if the first glider to do it had a kingpost!

John Simon
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Re: Campbell Field or Bust (vy long)

Post by John Simon »

Kingpost?? I still fly my Discus so I'm in. We really need to get together for some XC this year. I know Bun will be up for it when he gets back, and Ric N. might be a bit more available. Some very good guys there and we could all team up on them.

Larry was here already and Christian for the Rob Kells and JD and I just got here for the Race and Rally. Started at the Ridge and now we are at Quest for day 2 and 3. Day 2 was cancelled for winds but the next few days look pretty good. Bun is doing very well yet again and JD got 8th or 9th I think. I snagged about 15th (40 or so pilots, and MANY very good ones). Tons of fun flying yesterday up to Okochobee in challenging conditions. Only 2 pilots made goal, and many of us down around the 50km mark. Christian and many other good pilots down at the 10 and 20km mark so that shows how tough it was to squeak out the miles.(Kms).

Take care,
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