Monday @ Smithsburg

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Monday @ Smithsburg

Post by Spark »

Bruce Engen called me at work today to say he was going to Smithsburg this afternoon, so I drove over to meet him there after work.

Winds had calmed down from 23+ to approx 15-20 and slightly cross from the WSW when I arrived at 6pm. Bruce was already set up and ready to go, so we headed to the top. He made two flights (his first flights after recovery from a skiing injury) and then offered his Falcon II 225 to me.

I could not resist the opportunity, and made two more flights. Not too gusty, or too turbulent. That Falcon 225 is such a floater ...

The grass at the top is short and sparse. On the slope and the bottom it is maybe eight inches. The field in front is plowed and may be planted.

The sign still says 'open', but that is probably because the new owner would not know to change it. I will check with Eddie and find out if we should stop or continue to train there. When I find out, I will post the status to the forum.

I am hoping that the top and the hill are hay this summer. It is not difficult to fly a PG there without ever landing in the planted area below.
Maybe the owner will let us fly PG on the slope ...

Congrats to Bruce on his new 'first flights'!

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