*Meeting* *Next* *Wednesday* : Apr 27

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

Moderator: CHGPA BOD

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*Meeting* *Next* *Wednesday* : Apr 27

Post by markc »

Our next (near) quarterly meeting has been mentioned in other
topics, but I think it needs more prominence, hence this post...

Our spring general meeting will be held at the 94th Aero Squadron
restaurant in College Park, not far from Lasicks. It's a perfect location
for a group like ours... kudos to Pres-Daniel for his inspired idea!

Details, including maps and directions, can be found in the Events
Calendar at the club website:


I'll be bringing along some CHGPA bumper stickers ('Got Wings?',
'Hang Glide!', 'Paraglide!') for anyone who wants one : $2 for 1,
$3 for 2, $4 for all three.

Your local club is what keeps your sites open, the landowners happy,
and the bureaucrats quiet. So please come on out to support the efforts
of this year's officers, to provide input on the club's direction, and
to have fun with the only other people who understand you! :D

--mark c.
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Posts: 3204
Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:50 am

Post by markc »

Oh yeah...If you haven't yet re-joined for 2005, please bring
your checkbook to the meeting and make Hugh a happy Treasurer!

You can also renew your membership online (Paypal) or using
the printable forms at the website:


If you haven't re-upped, and you can't make the meeting, please
take a moment on Wednesday night to take care of this boring,
yet important, chore. Your support is much appreciated!!

--mark c.
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