HG visitor pilots from Guatemala in VA......

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HG visitor pilots from Guatemala in VA......

Post by hang_pilot »

Please join me in welcoming Luis and his friends and include them in your flying plans.? In a separate message I have invited them to join us at our meeting next week.?
I hope everyone reading this will do their best to come to the meeting.? I think you’ll really enjoy the 94th Aerosquadron.? Our room has a view of the runway and as an added attraction Hugh has promised to deliver the Treasurer’s report in the form of a rap. ?The meeting is next Wednesday at 8pm.? The address is 5420 Paint Branch Parkway, College Park, MD.? You can click on the link below for a map and directions: www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searchtype=address&country=US&addtohistory=&searchtab=home&address=5240+Paint+Branch+Parkway&city=College+Park&state=MD&zipcode=20740
301-275-6584 Cellular

-----Original Message-----
From: CrossCulturalEx@aol.com [mailto:CrossCulturalEx@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:05 PM
To: info@chgpa.org; president@chgpa.org
Subject: HG visitor pilots from Guatemala in VA......
Hi guys my name is Luis a HG Pilot from Guatemala C.A. living in VA? for quite some time, however because of travel related work haven't had the chance to join your force and meet you all, all though I have met Mark Fink, some time ago, Steve Wendt, and Midleton John, also years ago in Guatemala some others Virginians that where out there having a good flying time, in the flying Safaris of Oly Olson... Cant recall names..

Any way, from Saturday 23 until Saturday 30 April this is, I will be with two other HG pilots, Guatemalan HG Association president and secretary in the area, we would like to meet some of you all, and check out your flying sites, one of the reasons of our trip besides visiting your flying sites, and invite you all to come Fly the tropics, is to buy some equipment also check out the training scooter tow system with Steve Wendt at Blue Sky Aerosport.? So If any of you all would be going out flying during this week or interested in selling equipment, please don't hesitate in contacting us, will be drivers, gliders caddy's whatever you name it....? Basically we will be around for all flying related activities you all have in the area.... OK

Looking forward to here from you all Luis........ We will be in the Falls Church area, besides this Email address you can contact me at:
703 244-4204
705 645-0086

Thanks....... ;>)

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HG visitor pilots from Guatemala in VA......

Post by dbodner »

I'll promise to come if he doesn't.

On Thursday, April 21, 2005, at 11:21 PM, Broxterman.Daniel wrote:

> and as an added attraction Hugh has promised to deliver the
> Treasurer?s report in the form of a rap.
Posts: 2323
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:30 pm

HG visitor pilots from Guatemala in VA......

Post by mcelrah »

I was thinking more of Gregorian chant... - Hugh

On 22 Apr 2005, at 07:56, David Bodner wrote:

> I'll promise to come if he doesn't.
> On Thursday, April 21, 2005, at 11:21 PM, Broxterman.Daniel wrote:
>> and as an added attraction Hugh has promised to deliver the
>> Treasurer?s report in the form of a rap.
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