Fun Soggy Sunday at Highland

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Fun Soggy Sunday at Highland

Post by padamez »

Pretty good turnout at Highland today, maybe 15 or so pilots showed up which included PK, John Simon and Heather, Ken Church, Mark C., Tim ?, John Hope, Steve ?, Christian, Tad E., Geoff Mumford, Christy Huddle and Rich Alexander. Sorry if I left someone out.

Winds were about 5 from the N.N.W. switching a little more Westerly later in the afternoon. With a 30 degree temperature differential from the morning low to the days projected high, hopes were up for a good thermal day, but the ground was so saturated from the previous weeks rain that it pretty much put a damper on things (pun intended!). Dry ground was at a premium. But lots of people came out to shake off the winter rust and cob webs which included me, so in that respect it was good that things stayed fairly mellow.

On my first flight of the morning I hooked up with a bald eagle for about 20 minutes, flying about 100 feet below me. Later Mark C. came over and joined us in the thermal and a couple of times that ole eagle swooped down to Mark with talons fully extended. Mark never saw him since the bird stayed above his wing the whole time. I got a kick out of watching him turn his head and look up at me from time to time.

20 minute flights were the norm for the day. Ken Church got the FOD with 45 minutes and 3500'. I got in three good flights and drove home as elated as if I had flown a 100 mile XC, just happy to get back in the air after a long dismal winter.

The Highland guys still need some volunteers to help during the June comp. I volunteered, Adam said I could have trash detail, that I can handle!
Paul Adamez
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