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Lauren Tjaden
Posts: 371
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:27 pm


Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Pop! My weak link broke, and I involuntarily shuddered. The last time this happened, I found myself in a severe stall followed by an uncontrolled slipping dive, and brushed close to the ground before I recovered. But my visualization of what to do in this situation helped, because I pulled in so hard and fast Griffin's nose barely had time to rise. Hurray!
Soon I had a new weak link attached and ventured into the sky again. I had dreams of flying to Wallaby, but I found only rat-sh** lift, weak and broken, and never got about 2700.
Actually, there was one exception, when I flew into the nastiest thermal I have ever ridden. It screamed upwards at 700 fpm, but only for maybe a minute, and it pulled my pitch so high I dove sideways a couple of times. I have no idea of where it came from or went. The air was rough, but I have never been in anything like that demon thermal before. After 45 minutes of scratching, I decked it.
Conditions started to look better when Jamie called, needing a ride. Jamie is the guy who spent 9 hours or so on Wednesday picking up Paul, Jim, and I, plus hiking out my harness and glider with me for over a mile. It didn't seem fair to tell him it was too bad, I wanted to fly, but that hitchhiking might work. Daniel Broxterman's father, Bert, saved the day when I begged him to take our truck and go fetch Jamie.
The rest was easy. I towed into much smoother conditions, with soft thermals that often lifted as fast as 500 fpm. I found a trail of clouds to follow, and aimed for Wallaby. I flew by myself and listened to Griffin. I flew by the field that I got to on my little out and back, and then over Seminole glider port. I jogged sideways to another likely looking street, watching the miles tick off. I got there at over 5000 feet and managed a perfect landing in front of a zillion people. Woo hoo!
And guess what? ALEK flew there too -- his first XC! Wills Wing was having this huge party with a band and BBQ. We hung out and had cocktails with John Middleton, Bob, Raean and Fred P, Mike Barbor, etc. So many old friends. I met Linda S from NY, too. John, a pilot from NY who is doing the clinic this week with me, gave us a ride to Quest after an hour or two. I met Paul back at Quest but we both felt too whipped to go back to Wallaby and celebrate.
Paul flew a 70 mile triangle. This boy goes from strength to strength.
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