Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

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Flying Lobster
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Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

Post by Flying Lobster »

Great Googly-moo!
Marco Zee
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Re: Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

Post by Marco Zee »

more liberal tripe from guess who????...the NY, does anyone with an IQ greater than 23 bother to read that biased rag anymore....I guess Marc and his ilk do. As the old saying goes: "when you believe in nothing, then you will fall for anything."

IMHO, Jimmy Carter, with his double digit unemployment and inflation, 20% interest rates, gas shortages, Iranian Hostage Crisis, dismantling of the US military, Soviet expansions into Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, as well as calling US citizens greedy and suffering from "malaise"......Carter clearly wins the worst President in my lifetime. Bush's popularity is at 30-35%, whereas the Democratic Congress is at 10-17%.....does that qualify this Congress as the worst in history? I think it does.

As for Bush, I would vote for him again, if possible, especially when given the unsavory choice between the pathetic BHO and the unreliable JM.

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Re: Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

Post by huddlec »

Actually, I'm more inclined to put my money on the ratings of these historians:
And while Carter wasn't a strong president and didn't do that well on the historians' ratings in the various areas, he certainly wasn't the worst. I hope they redo the survey in a few years so we can see where Bush 2 comes out. After looking through the results of this survey, I suspect he'll be in the bottom five.

Flying Lobster
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Re: Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

Post by Flying Lobster »

Marco Zee wrote:more liberal tripe from guess who????...the NY, does anyone with an IQ greater than 23 bother to read that biased rag anymore....I guess Marc and his ilk do. As the old saying goes: "when you believe in nothing, then you will fall for anything."

IMHO, Jimmy Carter, with his double digit unemployment and inflation, 20% interest rates, gas shortages, Iranian Hostage Crisis, dismantling of the US military, Soviet expansions into Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, as well as calling US citizens greedy and suffering from "malaise"......Carter clearly wins the worst President in my lifetime. Bush's popularity is at 30-35%, whereas the Democratic Congress is at 10-17%.....does that qualify this Congress as the worst in history? I think it does.

As for Bush, I would vote for him again, if possible, especially when given the unsavory choice between the pathetic BHO and the unreliable JM.

You love posing as the chickenhawk pro-military drum-beater--but nobody in the ranks of the military I know--and I grew up in a Navy family--could or would ever say "All the screwups on my watch are somebody else's fault that came before me."

Your contempt of the NYT--well known as one of the top information newspapers in country--merely reflects your satisfaction for the conservative's bend for living in ideological ignorance. Bush is a catastrophic cluster-fuck which you and your ilk will live in denial of since it threatens your unwaivering allegiance to your far-right beliefs, those same beliefs which threaten to destroy this country.

Great Googly-moo!
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Re: Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

Post by brianvh »

Marco Zee wrote:more liberal tripe from guess who????...the NY, does anyone with an IQ greater than 23 bother to read that biased rag anymore....I guess Marc and his ilk do. As the old saying goes: "when you believe in nothing, then you will fall for anything."

Funny, with the substitution of 'conservative' for 'liberal', the addition of an 'o' at the end of one name, and substitute 'something blindly' for 'nothing', I could say the same thing about the Washington Times.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

Post by theflyingdude »

"The utter collapse of this Profoundly criminal Bush conspiracy will come none too soon for people like me. . . The massive plundering of the U.S. Treasury and all its resources has been almost on a scale that is criminally insane, and has literally destroyed the lives of millions of American people and American families. Exactly. You and me, sport -- we are the ones who are going to suffer, and suffer massively. This is going to be just like the Book of Revelation said it was going to be -- the end of the world as we knew it."

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Re: Marco's Hero: Worst President in History

Post by huddlec »

And if you want to use satisfaction with how things are going, the current occupant of the White House is scoring a 9% satisfaction rate - lower than Carter's (12%) and the lowest since Gallup started this particular poll. ... e-Low.aspx
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