Shutting it down for the Season...

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Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by Batman »

To the CHGPA et al -

Unless, for some unexpected reason, my culinary academy class gets pushed back to January 2008, I've decided to shut down flying until after graduation. Although expected to be a mere formality, I should know for sure next Friday (July 25th) after my interview with the Dean of L'Academie de Cuisine whether I will be starting culinary school this September.

Normally I could care less, but while last weekends hard landing only provided a few bruises and some sore muscles, I realized that any injury could seriously jeopardize my upcoming career change. I could of easily hurt myself more than I did & its hard to be a Chef-in-Training with broken bones impeding my training syllabus. Much like when I was in flight school, we were recommended to cease all potentially hazardous hobbies (i.e. skiing/snowboarding, skydiving, etc which NOW includes hang gliding) until graduation as any injury would set you back considerably. Since the $28,000 training is coming out of MY pockets and not the Navy's this time, Suzie & I can't afford any setbacks or rescheduled training as things will already be tight without my normal salary.

I will continue to live vicariously through the posts on the listserve, but what whole risk-managment thing is coming into play in my hang glding in a way that I had never expected it to interfere during my career as a defense consultant. If all goes as planned, school will run for 1 year from September 22nd until the following September graduation.

I'll keep you guys posted once the final school dates firm up and advise of any changes. Fly safe and the Bat-Wing will return to the skies above DC after this short commercial break.

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Re: Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by brianvh »

Can we expect you to cook for the High Rock party? It's usually been a big cooking event (hint hint, nudge nudge).
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by dhenders »

I went to the school website and checked it out. What a great place. Have you thought about where you are going to do your internship? I like that you have to make your own lunch.
Richard Hays
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Re: Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by Richard Hays »

Glad your ok Chris. Been there; done that. Never fun.

That said; did I hear it right when you said you were a "chef in training?" A virtual Gordon Ramsey in our midst? Alton Brown wanna be? Can you cook burgers? Maybe BBQ chicken?? We'll supply the chow if you'll volunteer your tongs and spatula.

If so; please contact Paula Dean aka Leigh Hays at: and let her know if you can assist in the cooking event in October. I guarrentee it will be easier than Hells Kitchen.

Get well.

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Re: Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by Batman »

Suzie & I are still in discussions for what our future plans are. At this moment in time, I'm really leaning towards the Personal Chef/Caterer path for now. A really good friend of mine has paved the way as he did this same journey about 4 years ago. I've joined him in a few events and am currently building my business plan to do the same type of events with my own twist. While owning my own restaurant sounds really exciting, there are quite a lot of drawbacks that take a chef out of the kitchen if he doesn't play his cards right. Now if someone wants to buy the restaurant and let me be the Executive Chef at some date in the future, that is something that I might really buy into.

I'm also very good friends with the President/Founder of the Washington Wine Academy and have been discussing some real possibilities about providing services on a regular basis for them once I graduate. They do approximately 350-400 public & private events a year and really cater to the creme of the DC Metro area so if things work out, it could turn into quite a lucrative opportunity.

For my own development, I'm working to make some contacts with one of the James Beard nominated chefs to perform my Externship (Final 6 months of school is performed under the tutorage of a chef in a DC restaurant) so I'm really trying to pad my resume with some really good Chefs.

Lot of everything is up in the air, but I would love to do some tastings of different styles at the High Rock Fly-In next year. I won't commit 100% because God knows where the next year is going to take me, but if the opportunity presents itself, you guys know I will be there!!!

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Re: Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by dbodner »

Can you cook burgers? Maybe BBQ chicken?? We'll supply the chow if you'll volunteer your tongs and spatula.
Sounds like a great idea for a practicum.
really cater to the creme of the DC Metro
But I've never heard of the...oh.
David Bodner
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Re: Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by brianvh »

Richard Hays wrote:
That said; did I hear it right when you said you were a "chef in training?" A virtual Gordon Ramsey in our midst? Alton Brown wanna be? Can you cook burgers? Maybe BBQ chicken?? We'll supply the chow if you'll volunteer your tongs and spatula.

If so; please contact Paula Dean aka Leigh Hays at: and let her know if you can assist in the cooking event in October. I guarrentee it will be easier than Hells Kitchen.
The way you attract a chef is you let him plan the menu and write out a shopping list, you promise to do the purchasing and schlepping.

I'd volunteer as a line cook. Get some more volunteers, and once Richard and Leigh deliver the goods they should just set back and let Chris run things. Good practice. If Chris promises to cuss us out on a regular basis and we promise to have emotional breakdowns halfway through we can provide as good entertainment as anything on TV.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Shutting it down for the Season...

Post by RedBaron »

Season? What season?
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