Full Moon Kayak

For non-flying fun with pilots, friends, and family.
Ski trips, Ethiopean-nights, movies, biking, climbing... All that fun stuff you can't do in the sky.

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Posts: 1982
Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:10 pm
Location: Tacky Park

Full Moon Kayak

Post by Matthew »

Hey Fellow Kayakers and Canoers,

Wanna go padling down near Georgetown sometime around the next full moon? Maybe Sat or Sunday 10/27-28?

Posts: 1982
Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:10 pm
Location: Tacky Park

Paddling Option

Post by Matthew »

It might also be good to go paddling at night on the West and Rhode River from the marina where we keep our sailboat. Thompson Boathouse and Jack's Boats both close down at sunset. Thus, I'm not sure where we could launch the boats at night in Georgetown.

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