FAQ : How do I upload photos to CHGPA's Photo Gallery?

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FAQ : How do I upload photos to CHGPA's Photo Gallery?

Post by chgpa »


The photo gallery / forum linkage broke with the upgrade to phpBB3 .
We hope to fix that, but can't promise it'll be done anytime soon. In
the meantime, if you are a CHGPA member, you can share photos
by attaching them to your forum posts. Not the same as a gallery,
we know... But it's not bad as a stop-gap.

--MLC 08/2008

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Although we can't be a photo-sharing site the likes of Flickr, Picasa, etc, we definitely *can*
support a fairly large collection of images. And we want yours, because they will make the
CHGPA website more interesting and dynamic!

The upload process is easy: 1) you must first be a registered CHGPA forum user; 2) login to
the forums with your forum username and password; 3) click the Gallery icon near the
top of the forum homepage; 4) this takes you to the galleries; 5) upload your photos;
6) add descriptive information for each photo and place it in a photo album; 7) DONE!

You can upload photos either from your own computer, or by providing URLs for images
that you have previously uploaded to any of the popular photo-sharing sites.

The rest of this post describes these steps in more detail. It's really easy!
So I hope you will take a moment and contribute some new content to our
website in this way.


Let's assume you have logged into the CHGPA forums, clicked on the Gallery icon, and
are now located at the gallery's homepage:


A navigation bar is displayed at the top of the gallery. When you mouse over the
button that has the image of a little house, a list of five possible actions will be displayed
below it. From that list, click on 'Upload File' .

This takes you to the gallery's Upload File webpage, where you may upload up to 10
images at one time.

File Uploads

If the images you want to upload are stored locally, on your own computer, go to the
'File Uploads' section and click a 'Browse...' button. Then navigate to the image that
you want to send.

After finding that image and double-clicking on it, you will be returned to the Upload File
page, where the name of your image file will be visible. Repeat as desired for the rest of your

URI/URL Uploads

But let's supppose that you just uploaded 500 photos to Flickr, or some other
photo-sharing site. If you've already done that, then you can tell the CHGPA photo
gallery to go and get an image from that site.

Go to the 'URI/URL Uploads' section of the Upload File webpage, and paste in the URL of
a photo, as stored at your favorite photo-sharing site. Repeat as desired, for up to 10
image URLs.

As an example, here's an "original size" version of a photo from the 2007 Pulpit Fly-In,
as stored at Flickr :

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1434/139 ... aef2_o.jpg

That entire string (from "http" to ".jpg") is what goes into the URI/URL section of the
Upload File page.

Note that you can refer back to the photo-sharing site where all of your images are
located. Here's an example of a photo where I've used that trick:


When you are all finished providing Filenames or URIs/URLs , click the CONTINUE button
at the bottom of the gallery's 'Upload File' page.

And now be patient, while the images are uploaded to CHGPA.


The Catch

Our web hosting plan provides a limited amount of disk space. So we have to
limit individual photos to 400kb, and a maximum width/height of 2400 pixels.

So if you have a very large image... Well, you will have to create a smaller/lower-resolution
version of that image, and then upload *that* photo instead.

If you work on a PC, Windows Picture Manager and Microsoft Office Picture
Manager both provide tools to reduce a photo to a smaller size. So becoming
familiar with those tools would be a good idea.

Alternatively, if you have a favorite photo-sharing site that you routinely
upload images to, it's quite likely that there will be one or more versions
of each photo that are equal or less than 400kb in size. So instead of
resizing an image yourself, all you have to do is find a version at your
photo-sharing site which is at/below our 400kb cutoff, and then provide
the URL of that image when uploading to the CHGPA galleries (see above,
'URI/URL Uploads').

400kb isn't exactly high resolution... But even so, images of that size can be
just fine for website use. Here's one that's only a bit over 300KB:


(click on the photo to display the full-size version)


After the uploads are complete, a second web page will be displayed which provides
information about how many uploads succeeded/failed.

Assuming that all went well, just click the CONTINUE button at the bottom
of the page.

You will then be taken to a third gallery page, where you can provide
information about each photo (photographer, pilot, flying site, etc), and
select the photo album where it should be placed.

After providing that information for all your photos, click the CONTINUE button at
the bottom of the page.


That wasn't too bad, was it?

Your images won't be visible in the galleries until they have been approved
by the gallery administrator. This restriction might be lifted in the future,
after we see how things go.


As you can tell, this process is a bit more interactive than uploading to
a photo-sharing site. That's another reason why we're encouraging you to
send just those photos that you are particularly happy with, your 'best of
the best'.
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