For the Bush lovers

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Joe Schad
Posts: 592
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:37 pm
Location: Strasburg, VA

For the Bush lovers

Post by Joe Schad »

President Bush issued an executive order last month that requires the CIA to treat detainees humanely, but at the same time has a classified list of techniques that are approved for the agency’s use not open for public view.

Now I ask myself, if President Bush’s numerous statements that this government does not support torture are true, why does he need this executive order? And if he is honest and sincere about not allowing torture of any kind, why then would he have a list of classified techniques that are approved for CIA use?

The Bush administration maintained a series of secret prisons, which until recently it denied existed. The various prisoners held in these geographically diverse set of prisons have testified to the International Committee of the Red Cross that they were tortured in ways that are remarkably similar. How could these detainees have been mal treated in such similar fashion if it were not the policy of the Bush administration to do so?

President Bush and Vice President Cheney authorized illegal immoral policies that have stained the honor and moral standing of the United States in the world. Their actions and their consequences are almost unbelievable to me. Both men have flouted their moral virtues and suckered a large number of good Americans into supporting their evil policies. Both President Bush and Vice President Cheney should show the American people real moral responsibility and resign from office.

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