meeting recap

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meeting recap

Post by brianvh »

I have to admit to being excited. I was concerned about giving the High
Rock 30th anniversary the attention it deserved, but then magic happened.
Allen Sparks had a business seminar in the area, so stopped by for the
meeting and ended up volunterring to spearhead the HR party!
I don't think we could find a better person, even if we payed
money. Sparky lives within 30 minutes of High Rock, has an unsurpassed
depth of experience with hang gliding, and his enthusiasm for flying and
the local community is nothing short of legendary. We will be sending out
mailings to all the oldtimers, produce a T-shirt, advertise in the
magazine and all internet avenues, and produce a grand old party.
It will be sometime in August. We will chedk to see if there's
any black-out dates when some-one's willing to tell us that Camp David
will be used.
The Pulpit fund has been dropping off, partly because we haven't
been boosting it as in the past. Internet isn't enough, so we will be
doing a mailing. And as long as we are back in the paperwork business, we
may as well start up the club fee structure again. After coordinating
with CHGPA later this month, we expect to start up the joint club
membership again. Expect to get things in your mailbox by early April.
As far as officers go, I don't want Bob's job and he doesn't want
mine, and no-one else wants either of them, so unless we get a rush of
volunteers we will remain with the status quo for another year.

Hope to see you at the June meeting when we put the final touches on the
High Rock party.

Brian Vant-Hull
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