New Pulpit Stickers, IMPORTANT, Please read

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Moderator: CHGPA BOD

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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:13 pm
Location: Tallahassee, FL

New Pulpit Stickers, IMPORTANT, Please read

Post by hang_pilot »

Hi, Everyone:
While we’re on this thread, I’d like to make an important pitch.? As of Tuesday, CHGPA membership is down to 53 fine folks.? Compare that with the 84 names on the 2003 roster and the 114 members of this on-line forum. ?
THE LOCAL FREE-FLIGHT COMMUNITY NEEDS YOUR HELP!?? With only 53 members, CHGPA will most likely operate in the red this year.? If you are not already a member, PLEASE sign up now.? If you’re not sure if you renewed, e-mail me off-list and I’ll let you know.
You can join online with a Paypal payment or download a paper form from
As an example of what your dues cover, we recently disbursed funds for the following:
Landowner gifts
??????????? Daniel’s, Pulpit (both LZ’s), High Rock, Fisher Road, Bill’s, Smithsburg, Woodstock, Taylor’s, Kirchner’s
Site Insurance
Pulpit, High Rock, Bill’s, Fisher Road and Oregon Ridge
If you regularly fly these sites, you should be a CHGPA member.
Re Christy’s Comment (Hi, Christy):
Thanks for your suggestion; you’re always there with helpful ideas. ?We now have a web-based club standard operating procedures.? Karen Carra, as the outgoing CHGPA secretary, prepared it (thanks, Karen).? So we have a better institutional memory now than in the recent past.? I’d like to see what you have, though, if you can find it please let me know.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled flame-fest. J
-----Original Message-----
From: Christy Huddle []
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: New Pulpit Stickers
It sounds like the new board has never seen the manual that Frank Sauber did long ago. It has all this information in it. I may have an electronic copy of it kicking around.

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************************************************The information transmitted is intended solelyfor the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/orprivileged material. Any review, retransmission,dissemination or other use of or taking actionin reliance upon this information by persons orentities other than the intended recipient isprohibited. If you have received this email inerror please contact the sender and delete thematerial from any computer. [ST:A234]************************************************
Posts: 1437
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:32 pm
Location: manhattan, New York

New Pulpit Stickers, IMPORTANT, Please read

Post by brianvh »

And along those lines, part of the drop comes from MHGA doing non-paper
membership for a year. Can anyone now doubt the club is important? Come
to the meeting tonight and we can help out both clubs!

Brian Vant-Hull

On Thu, 3 Mar 2005, Broxterman.Daniel wrote:

> Hi, Everyone:
> While we're on this thread, I'd like to make an important pitch.=A0 As of=
Tuesday, CHGPA membership is down to 53 fine folks.=A0 Compare that with t=
he 84 names on the 2003 roster and the 114 members of this on-line forum. =
> =A0
rs, CHGPA will most likely operate in the red this year.=A0 If you are not =
already a member, PLEASE sign up now.=A0 If you're not sure if you renewed,=
e-mail me off-list and I'll let you know.
> =A0
> You can join online with a Paypal payment or download a paper form from w= (
> =A0
> As an example of what your dues cover, we recently disbursed funds for th=
e following:
> =A0
> Landowner gifts
> =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 Daniel's, Pulpit (both LZ's), High Rock=
, Fisher Road, Bill's, Smithsburg, Woodstock, Taylor's, Kirchner's
> =A0
> Site Insurance
> Pulpit, High Rock, Bill's, Fisher Road and Oregon Ridge
> =A0
> If you regularly fly these sites, you should be a CHGPA member.
> =A0
> Re Christy's Comment (Hi, Christy):
> Thanks for your suggestion; you're always there with helpful ideas. =A0We=
now have a web-based club standard operating procedures.=A0 Karen Carra, a=
s the outgoing CHGPA secretary, prepared it (thanks, Karen).=A0 So we have =
a better institutional memory now than in the recent past.=A0 I'd like to s=
ee what you have, though, if you can find it please let me know.
> =A0
> We now return you to our regularly scheduled flame-fest. J
> =A0
> ~Daniel
> =A0
> =A0
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christy Huddle []
> Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: New Pulpit Stickers
> =A0
> It sounds like the new board has never seen the manual that Frank Sauber =
did long ago. It has all this information in it. I may have an electronic c=
opy of it kicking around.
> Christy
> ************************************************The information transmit=
ted is intended solelyfor the individual or entity to which it is addressed=
and may contain confidential and/orprivileged material. Any review, retran=
smission,dissemination or other use of or taking actionin reliance upon thi=
s information by persons orentities other than the intended recipient ispro=
hibited. If you have received this email inerror please contact the sender =
and delete thematerial from any computer. [ST:A234]************=
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