Paraglider crash in Lebanon sparks gunbattle

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Paraglider crash in Lebanon sparks gunbattle

Post by ken_pg »

Check out this on CNN at ... index.html

I don't think the guy actually crashed; I think he probably just landed where he wasn't supposed to land. They need to be careful about their XC destinations.

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Aljazeera claims clash over Hang-glider crash

Post by Luke » ... 470E6A.htm

From Aljazeera:
Israeli soldiers have fought with Hezbollah fighters to enable the escape of an Israeli who floated into Lebanon in a hang-glider and landed a few metres across the border.

...the Israeli hang-glider pilot fell near a landmine field in Lebanese territory, a few metres away from the border.

Luke Thompson
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Post by tomceunen » ... 12036&mc=2

Turns out it was Adam Wechsler, who's a test pilot for Apco (PG).

yep, lots out there do not know the difference between HG and PG

I hope there will be a reaction from Adam so we now the truth of this incident. So lets stop guessing for the moment

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the real story

Post by tomceunen »

this is the official report from APCO regarding what really happened

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Post by theflyingdude »

Here's an analysis of the PG pilot's judgement from an Israeli HG pilot who is familiar with the site. This message was posted on the Yahoo HG List.


Here is the fresh news:

The guy,Adam, is a good pilot, instractor and works as a test
pilot for Apco Aviation.

He is, also, a real idiot.

Not because he flew so close to the Libanies border, as we do
often, because it is nice site, but because he did it when the
winds in all over the country were somthing between 40-70 km/h.

He flew pg and only fast and good job that done by the solders
kept him out of the real hell.

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