Feedback on powered flight in USHGA

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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:32 pm

Feedback on powered flight in USHGA

Post by obryandavid »


I recently sent our Region 9 rep an email giving my view on the possible
inclusion of powered flight into the USHGA (after seeing Rich Hays' post).
Felipe ( would like to hear from more USHGA members so
he knows what we have to say.

Dave O

His reply to me is copied below:

>Yes Dave, you may forward it.

>Thank you for checking.

> -------------- Original message from David O'Bryan <>:
> --------------
> Felipe,
> Thank you for your reply. Do I have your permission to send your reply along
> with your email address to the local CHGPA listserve so as to encourage
> feedback?
> Regards,
> Dave
> On 11/19/05 9:24 AM, "" <> wrote:
>> Dear David:
>> Thank you very much for your input. It is very important to me, and I am
>> invested in doing what the membership legitimately wants. My feelings aside,
>> please make sure that you get others to give the directorship feedback and to
>> VOTE!
>> Safe landings,
>> Felipe
>> Vice Precident
>> Region 9 Director
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