1/2 Attack Falcon 195 and Rotor Harness For Sale

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Roland Owens
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:10 pm

1/2 Attack Falcon 195 and Rotor Harness For Sale

Post by Roland Owens »

I haven't been flying due to a lack of time (which isn't going to change anytime soon) so it's time to get rid of my gear.

Practically brand new 1/2 Attack Falcon 195. Slipstream control frame, but regualr sail instead of mylar. Red/White/Blue sail. Includes the slick WW wheels which mount to the speedbar. Only about 4 flights on the glider. $3200.

Rotor Harness. I'm 5'8" and 195lbs and it's a bit snug. Includes parachute. $1000

Everything it at Blue Sky with Steve Wendt.

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