Umm...did anyone fly hang gliders yesterday?

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Umm...did anyone fly hang gliders yesterday?

Post by Scott »

I was agonizing over not being able to make it to WS yesterday...but from Tom Ceunen's report, sounded like it wasn't such a great day after all...or was it? Any reports?


PS - I did get to do another form of "flying" though---I learned to ride Holly's Ducati 748...SHWEET! (That may well be as much fun as hang gliding...)
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WS Sunday

Post by Matthew »

Didn't fly my hang glider. Flew my paraglider twice. Got 200 over and 26 minutes on first flight and 16 minutes on second flight. Tom C. had flight of the day with around 90 minutes and 2300+ over. He launched right into a thermal. Danny Brotto also scratched for a 20 minute flight. Sleds and extendos for everyone else who flew-- Bacil, Carlos, Brian VH and PGs Sparky, Marcel, Lazlo and Stephan. Lots of folks again broke down and didn't fly. There was also some potatoing at launch and passing up good launchable cycles while waiting for it to turn on instead of launching and making the best of it. I went up for a third flight but it turned catabatic just after I laid out my wing.

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