Mt. Laguna : Whoa baby!

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Mt. Laguna : Whoa baby!

Post by markc »

Quick flight report from San Diego:

Sat/Sun Oct. 15/16 were blown out at Horse and Laguna,
so no flying was had. Then a couple days of rain. And
then... Off to Mount Laguna!!

Launch is at about 6000' MSL, 3000' above the desert floor.
You have at least 1000' vertical immediately under your feet
at launch. It is an impressive place!

I don't have my own photos yet, but this image conveys some
of the feel of launch:

An inversion capped the thermals at about 5500', a bit
below launch. But I still had a blast, flying for over an
hour above terrain that is a hang glider pilot's dream. Spines,
ridgelines, outcrops, entire mountains... all laid out
before you as if at a banquet. Truly a world-class site!

(And this was just a boat-around, land at the local LZ type
of day!)

I flew with SD pilots Jerry Mahoney (my host, who kindly
offered use of a WW XC), John Burke, and Bill Helliwell.
Joined the SDHGPA, seeing as I'm out there once or twice
a year.

There was a downside to the day : Jerry ended up downwind
on final, and separated a shoulder in the ensuing whack.
So we had to land and transport him out of there. I discovered
in the process that the tylenol I usually carry in my harness was
missing; I had tossed it after noticing how old it was. So there's
an obvious lesson here : make sure your emergency gear is
always complete and restocked. You never know when you are
going to need it.

Just got back in town tonight, and am keeping my fingers crossed
for a Woodstock day tomorrow.

Mark C.
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